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Google Cloud names ThoughtSpot a Google Cloud Ready - BigQuery company to help customers dominate the decade of data

We’re entering the defining decade of data. While every aspect of our lives have been changed by data in recent years, the next ten will see data rebuild the world around us. Every business, in every industry, needs a plan to adapt to this new world if they want to thrive. But how? That’s a question in the minds of data leaders, CEOs, and board members. The right approach is critical if companies want to dominate this new era. The wrong decision can spell disaster.

Updates from Bugfender, Q1 2022

In June, more than 200,000 people will gather at one of the most emblematic festivals in Barcelona: Primavera Sound. In addition to pleasing the visitors (which is easy considering the line-up), the organizers must ensure that the sound levels do not disturb the neighbors in the area, something complicated considering it is an open-air festival. That’s where EmmaDB comes in.

Error Reporting: Improving Outcomes with Proactive Identification

Errors happen. Despite best efforts, no piece of software is perfect. Unintentional issues with code, updates to existing frameworks, or unexpected interactions with other tools can all cause errors. As a result, it's critical for companies to deploy robust and reliable error reporting processes that help them proactively identify potential issues and improve operational outcomes.

Space-Based AI Shows the Promise of Big Data

At a distance of a million miles from Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope is pushing the edge of data transfer capabilities. The observatory launched Dec. 25 2021 on a mission to look at the early universe, at exoplanets, and at other objects of celestial interest. But first it must pass a rigorous, months-long commissioning period to make sure that the data will get back to Earth properly. Mission managers provided an update Feb.

Cost-Per-Order Formula for E-Commerce Explained

Our Five Key Points: You have a customer. They want a product: you sell that product. It’s simple, but how do you know if you’re charging the right amount for that product? Knowing how to calculate the cost per order is essential in helping you set the correct prices for your products and services. As an e-commerce retailer, you’ll naturally have lower overheads than a brick-and-mortar store.

Scaling Microservices with Contract Testing and Pactflow

API growth continues to rise within the modern enterprise. Microservices, are a leading growth driver for APIs as development teams continue to break down monolithic systems, seeking to capitalize on the advantages of decoupled capabilities. Benefits such as reduced costs, reduced time-to-market, faster release cycles and decentralized evolvability are possible. However, as APIs become increasingly prolific and central to core business functions, such benefits do not always linearly scale.

The SmartBear API Platform: Driving Quality, Consistency, and Collaboration Across Your Development Workflow

APIs have never been more instrumental in business. Organizations use them to deepen partnerships, accelerate development, integrate capabilities, and generate revenue. These business drivers, combined with the rise of microservices, drive incredible growth in the API space. According to the most recent State of Software Quality API report, 61% of survey respondents chose microservices as the technology that will most likely drive API growth.