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Introducing the Choreo CLI

We're happy to announce the release of a new command-line interface (CLI) tool for our development platform! With this, we aim to bring Choreo to your terminal. This reduces context switching, helps you focus, and enables you to script and create your workflows more easily. You can install Choreo CLI today on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Simply run our installation script for your particular OS.

15 Best Non-Profit KPIs and Metric Examples for 2024 Reporting

What is a kpi? A non-profit key performance indicator (KPI) is a numerical measurement that gauges the ability of a non-profit organization in accomplishing its mission. Non-profit metrics quantify the organization’s many endeavors in extending its impact on society. The spirit of KPIs generated for a non-profit organization is not unlike a for-profit business.

Combine data across BigQuery and Salesforce Data Cloud securely with zero ETL

We are excited that bidirectional data sharing between BigQuery and Salesforce Data Cloud is now generally available. This will make it easy for customers to enrich their data use cases by combining data across different platforms securely, without the additional cost of building or managing data infrastructure and complex ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines.

10+ Government KPIs for 2024 Reporting

What is a key performance indicator? A government key performance indicator (KPI) is a quantifiable measure that the public sector uses to evaluate its performance. Government KPIs function like KPIs used by for-profit businesses — they demonstrate the organization’s overall performance and its accountability to its stakeholders. In more layman terms, public sector KPIs serve two important purposes.

N|Solid: Node.js Compatibility Proven through Fastify CI Integration

At NodeSource, we understand the hesitance and scrutiny that often accompany claims of "Node.js compatibility". The Node.js ecosystem is vast and intricate, and as Matteo Collina rightly points out, passing a "hello world" example is just the start. We believe N|Solid should be a component of every Node.js project, especially in production, to provide developers and organizations with the most advanced performance and security observability tooling.

Software Testing Optimization: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Over-Testing and Under-Testing

Thorough software testing aims to identify and resolve potential issues before they impact users, ensuring a high-quality user experience. However, optimal testing levels can be hard to achieve for most quality assurance (QA) teams. An optimal testing level requires balancing testing thoroughness, coverage, and speed with resource allocation.

Cloudera's RHEL-volution: Powering the Cloud with Red Hat

As enterprise AI technologies rapidly reshape our digital environment, the foundation of your cloud infrastructure is more critical than ever. That’s why Cloudera and Red Hat, renowned for their open-source solutions, have teamed up to bring Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) to Cloudera on public cloud as the operating system for all of our public cloud platform images. Let’s dive into what this means and why it’s a game-changer for our customers.

Comprehensive Guide to Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

In an era where businesses are adopting digital transformation at a rate that is beyond comprehension, exposure management is a critical component of any strategy to successfully handle the omnipresent problem of mitigating cyberattacks, data breaches, and other security threats. Businesses could profit from adopting new technology and digital services, but doing so expands the attack surface, making them more vulnerable to forthcoming attacks.

Star Schema Vs. Snowflake Schema: 4 Key Differences

Organizations rely on high-performance data warehouses for storing and analyzing large amounts of data. An important decision in setting up a data warehouse is the choice between Star Schema vs. Snowflake Schema. The star schema simplifies the structure of a database by directly connecting dimension tables to a central fact table. The star shaped design streamlines data retrieval and analysis by consolidating related data points, thereby enhancing the efficiency and clarity of database queries.