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How to use descriptive analytics to drive company growth?

Data analytics is invaluable to companies that want to drive growth. Research from giants like McKinsey, the Financial Times, and Google confirms it: Companies that rely on data analytics to drive business decision-making grow 2.5x faster than their lagging competitors. So how does descriptive analytics fit into the wider frame of data analytics?

Top 5 Efficient WordPress Page Builder Plugins

As you probably know, WordPress is the most popular and highly efficient content management system that is used to build and host websites all over the world. Its efficiency is precisely what made it so widely recognized among the tech world, and it seems like it will become even more desired in years to come.

WSO2 Partner Awards: Rewarding Top Performers and Emerging Partners of 2021

2021 was another great year for WSO2. Although it was business as usual in the new norm, the results were exceptional. The company acquired 145 new customers and achieved revenue growth of 31% YoY. We started our journey towards radically simplifying the creation of digital experiences for our customers by introducing new cloud platforms.

The top 5 software testing trends of 2022

2021 was a revolutionary year and the global workforce continued working in a hybrid fashion. For the QA industry, concepts like Robotic Process Automation and AI/ML became more and more advanced. New versions of both Open-Source and Commercial tools continued to flourish, which made DevOps more accessible and test automation more user-friendly. In addition, testers across the globe actively participated in many online events and conferences in order to improve their knowledge.

The metrics layer has growing up to do

Recently there has been a lot of excitement around the idea of a stand-alone metrics layer in the modern data stack. Traditionally, metrics have been defined in the BI or analytics layer where various dashboards are used to look at business metrics like Revenue, Sales Pipeline, numbers of Claims, or User Activity. Given that most organizations end up with multiple BI/Analytics tools, the idea has a lot of merits.

We're going open source with Testsigma Community Edition

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Testsigma Community Edition, the first ever open source test automation platform that works out of the box for web and mobile apps, and APIs. The Community Edition brings a core part of Testsigma’s cloud-based platform directly to the QA community. This includes an integrated automation engine, test development and test runner modules, and some cool new customization features. Check out the project repo on Github and give it a go.

11 Tips to Boost SQL Query Optimization

When enterprises and companies are having trouble with SQL query optimization, they frequently turn to performance tuning tools and optimization strategies. This will not only help in analyzing and speeding up queries, but also in resolving performance issues, troubleshooting bad performance, and avoiding or minimizing the impact on SQL Server databases. Data accessibility, availability, and performance are critical to corporate success.