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Two Ways to Migrate Hortonworks DataFlow to Cloudera Flow Management

Hortonworks DataFlow (HDF) 3.5.2 was released at the end of 2020. The new releases will not continue under HDF as Cloudera brings the best and latest of Apache NiFi in the new Cloudera Flow Management (CFM) product. Getting the latest improvements and new features of NiFi is one of many reasons for you to move your legacy deployments of NiFi on this new platform. To that end, we released a few blog posts to help you migrate from HDF to CFM.

Why You Should Be Testing in Production

Testing any software project is an important step in order to find out how the software functions. Learning when the project acts as expected (and when it does not) is the ultimate goal of the testing process. Testing stops design errors from reaching production code. However, testing should not only happen before code is deployed.

Get the most out of Shopify Analytics

Running an eCommerce store is very much like flying a plane - you can reach unprecedented heights, but you won't be able to do it blindfolded. You have to see where you are going to touch the skies. E-commerce analytics gives you the guidance to make the right choice and scale your online store to new heights. In this article, we will take a deep dive into Shopify Analytics Shopify offers analytics as an out-of-the-box default service to all Shopify store owners and admins.

Four ways static dashboards are costing your business

Ask any analyst how they spend the majority of their work day and they’ll tell you: Performing remedial tasks that provide no analytics value. 92% of data workers report that their time is being siphoned away performing operational tasks outside of their roles. Data teams waste an inordinate amount of time maintaining the delicate data-to-dashboards pipelines they’ve created, leaving only 50% of their time to actually analyze data.

No code automation testing: When to use and when not to use

Having a coded approach to test automation has its benefits. It certainly does give you the power to be extra flexible in terms of test case creation. But with it, it also requires a lot of investments from you – in terms of time and resources. Hence, you need to decide if that is really the power you need because, in the end, you need automation that gives you returns on your investment(ROI).

Scriptless Test automation solution: How to use it to improve your testing ROI?

“If you have bad tests, automation can help you do bad testing faster.”— James Marcus Bach How do we ensure that the test automation is working as a saviour and not adding to the testing woes? One wrong step in this direction and be assured to lose precious time and energy. Additionally, wrong automation will make the quality of the software suffer badly. Organizations are spending on automation for better software quality and a good ROI(Return on Investment) with time.

Managing Docker Apps With Kubernetes Ingress Controller

Think back to when your development team made the switch to Dockerized containers. What was once an application requiring multiple services on virtual machines transitioned to an application consisting of multiple, tidy Docker containers. While the result was a streamlined system, the transition likely was daunting. Now, it’s time for another transformational leap: moving from a single set of containers to a highly available, orchestrated deployment of replica sets using Kubernetes.

How to Perform HTTP Requests with Axios - A Complete Guide

One of the most typical things a developer does is make an HTTP call to an API. An API request can be sent in a variety of ways. We can use a command-line tool like cURL, the browser's native Fetch API, or a package like Axios to accomplish this. Sending HTTP requests to your API with Axios is a fantastic tool. Axios is supported by all major browsers. The package can be used for your backend server, loaded via a CDN, or required in your frontend application.

Beginner's Guide To Learn SCSS

Back in the day, frontend development was all about writing CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. However, it is no more the case. Now it has become much more complex and interesting than earlier. In addition, the e-commerce industry is evolving continuously, making frontend developers stay at par with the latest frontend technologies to create and build efficient and highly optimized websites for their businesses. In today’s article, we will see a definitive guide to SCSS, what it means and how to use it.