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How We Work at k6 - Remote and 8-week Work Cycles

August 7, I joined the Office Hours our Developer Relations team runs on a weekly basis, to talk about how we work at k6. We are growing rapidly, and are a little unconventional in how we organize ourselves, so I thought it would be a good idea to share in more detail how we build and ship software, being a remote-only company.

Automated web testing - some strategies to achieve ROI?

Automated web testing is not a new concept today. With advancements in web development technologies and how complex web codes are written today, web testing was bound to walk this way sooner or later. The problem with adopting automation is that it is not like a Netflix subscription that we can pay and enjoy cloud services. Climbing the automated web testing ladder requires planning, careful execution, and a workforce that is familiar with all the intricacies.

Service Mesh 102: Envoy Configuration

In my Service Mesh 101 article, I talked about some of the basics behind a service mesh: what it is, what it does and where Envoy fits into a service mesh. Having now covered those basics, I’d like to dig into some more in-depth content focused on the basics of Envoy configuration in a service mesh. Recall from the previous article that several different service meshes use Envoy. Istio is an example of a service mesh that leverages Envoy for its data planes.

Community project showcase: an Ably-Postgres connector to stream DB changes to millions of clients in realtime

Built by our long-time community expert Apoorv Vardhan, the Ably-Postgres connector can listen to changes in a Postgres table and publish realtime messages on Ably channels whenever a change occurs. The connector enables building database-driven realtime applications where long-term storage and update triggers from previously published messages are essential. One such example is an editable chat app, which we’ll talk about later in this article.

Difference Between IPv4 and IPv6: Why haven't We Entirely Moved to IPv6?

IPv4 and IPv6 are the two versions of IP. IPv4 was first released in 1983 and is currently widely used as an IP address for a variety of systems. It aids in the identification of systems in a network through the use of an address. The 32-bit address, which may store multiple addresses, is employed. Despite this, it is the most widely used internet protocol, controlling the vast bulk of internet traffic. IPv6 was created in 1994 and is referred to as the "next generation" protocol.

Best Artifactory Alternatives: Helix Artifacts for Your Team

Using a package manager — also known as a repository or artifact manager — is a best practice for teams to secure their build pipelines and scale development. They can save developers time by breaking down silos, promoting reuse. For example, instead of needing to manually update each product that uses a binary component, you can simply update it once and changes will be available everywhere.

How to connect Mongo DB to Heroku Postgres

Every computer application must have a method of storing, managing and using data. This requires an application and at least one database that can communicate with each other. Managing this connection can be difficult, especially with multiple databases. Fortunately, there are platforms that can manage databases and connections applications more efficiently. Heroku offers a Postgres management system for creating, managing, and using databases.

Our reflections on the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools

“The data integration tool market is seeing renewed momentum, driven by requirements for hybrid and multi-cloud data integration, augmented data management, and data fabric designs.” This is what Gartner assesses in its latest Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools* report. And that assessment makes perfect sense. Data is the lifeblood of an organization.