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FinServ APIs: How to Improve Governance & Deploy with Confidence

Financial services innovation continues to progress at a breakneck pace. For example, fintech developers can programmatically spin up accounts, move money, and issue and manage cards with Increase or embed financial services into their marketplace with Stripe – capabilities that were unimaginable just a few years ago.

That's a Wrap! What You Missed at Kong Summit

Kong Summit has come and gone! Whether you joined us in San Francisco or missed this year’s big shindig, here are some of the highlights from the event and a round-up of all the Kong news dropped over the past two days. This post will continue to be updated with more details and links to videos from sessions as they’re available.

Announcing GA of DataFlow Functions

Today, we’re excited to announce that DataFlow Functions (DFF), a feature within Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud, is now generally available for AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. DFF provides an efficient, cost optimized, scalable way to run NiFi flows in a completely serverless fashion. This is the first complete no-code, no-ops development experience for functions, allowing users to save time and resources.

Data Monetization: What it is & How to do it

Whether you are trying to establish a new niche, carve out a bigger share of a mature and competitive market, or increase the value of your existing products or services, data can be used to gain a competitive advantage and increase your revenue. In this article, we will establish what data monetization is, how it translates to business use cases, showcase how it impacts business performance, and offer guidance on how to start monetizing data today.

iOS App Testing Tutorial: Manual & Automation

In the 2018 WWDC talk, Tim Cook said, “We’re also happy to announce that this week we’re going to achieve another huge milestone. The money that developers have earned through the App Store will top $100 billion.” He further announced, “There are now 20 million registered developers on the App Store.” Although, this number might be way out of the ballpark considering that 2016 statistics showed just 2.8 million iOS application developers.