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Securing Kubernetes Applications in 5 Minutes with Service Mesh

We announced the release of Kuma – a modern, universal control plane for service mesh back in September 2019. Since then, a roaring wave of community feedback and contribution has flooded the project. And that’s a good thing, so thank you to everyone who has given their time to helping Kuma grow. One recurring feedback we got was that the community was excited to see a platform-agnostic service mesh.

5 best practices to innovate at speed in the Cloud: Tip #4 Perform faster root cause analysis thanks to data lineage

Like any supply chain that aspires to be lean and frictionless, data chains need transparency and traceability. There is a need for automated data lineage to understand where data comes from, where does it go, how it is processed and who consumes it. There is also a need for whistle blowers for data quality or data protection and for impact analysis whenever change happens.

Yellowfin 9: Our new developer platform

Seek, who is one of our customers, came to us with a laundry list of functionality that their developers wanted. Like many enterprises, they have their own developers who are asked to deliver a design for their UX team and they need and environment where they can do that. They didn’t want us to worry about the UI, they just wanted the ability to code what they wanted directly into the Yellowfin dashboard environment, so we created Yellowfin 9 Code Mode which is our developer platform.

Advanced API Ops: Bringing the power of AI and ML to API operations

Most business-critical applications today are powered by APIs, so any downtime or performance degradation can lead to significant loss in revenue, customers, and brand value. This puts pressure on operations teams to monitor real-time API performance and security. Adding to the challenge is the need to support new releases and reduce resolution times. And unfortunately, traditional third-party monitoring tools are little to no help when it comes to API operations.

Configuring AWS GuardDuty with Lambda for Slack Notifications

At Kong, we leverage many tools to protect our services and customers. Terraform from HashiCorp allows us to automate the process with Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Another important tool is Amazon Web Services (AWS) GuardDuty, a continuous monitoring service for security threat detection in your AWS accounts.