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Kong for Kubernetes 0.8 Released!

Kong for Kubernetes is a Kubernetes Ingress Controller based on the Kong Gateway open source project. Kong for K8s is fully Kubernetes-native and provides enhanced API management capabilities. From an architectural perspective, Kong for K8s consists of two parts: A Kubernetes controller, which manages the state of Kong for K8S ingress configuration, and the Kong Gateway, which processes and manages incoming API requests.

Software and team structures: the fundamental relationship

Software developers and software architects have, for a very long time, stood on opposite sides of the “whose is better” competition. They have completely different beliefs, with each vowing that theirs is the correct one. Some swear by Java as the holy grail of backend; some worship Go as the right solution to all your backend problems. But, really, is there one right answer? Apart from the tools that you use, the architecture you will be using differs from company to company.

A Practical Guide to JavaScript Debugging

Being a UI developer, I’ve learned one thing: It doesn’t matter how carefully you write your code. Suppose you’ve double-checked that you defined and called all functions the right way or followed all the best practices. Even then you’ll see that a tiny variable can sneak behind and create an error. Now, suppose you find out that for some unknown reason a form validation or submit button isn’t working.

Operational Database in CDP

Cloudera’s operational database (OpDB) in CDP delivers a real-time, always available, scalable OpDB that serves traditional structured data alongside new unstructured data within a unified Operational and Warehousing platform. Cloudera delivers an operational database that serves traditional structured data alongside new unstructured data within a unified open-source platform.

Why Bring Waterline Data's ML-Enabled Data Catalog to Hitachi Vantara's DataOps Portfolio?

As you may have heard, Hitachi Vantara recently announced the intent to acquire the assets of Waterline Data. Today, that deal has become official and, as Waterline’s founder, let me say we’re super excited about our strategic role in furthering Hitachi Vantara’s vision to become the world’s preferred digital innovation partner.

Is Your Data Story Safe?

As we navigate unprecedented times together, we inevitably find ourselves to be participants in a global data storytelling exercise; either as an author, contributor, or a reader. There are now hundreds, if not thousands, of data storytelling examples out there. It’s a riveting data story that’s been read over 40 million times, receiving over 230,000 claps, and translated into 30 languages. But is this data story ’safe’?

Presenting: New and Improved Python Samples for Sauce Labs

Like many things in life, the toughest part of a test automation project can be getting started. That's why the Solution Architects and Information Developers are working hard to produce good materials for anyone getting started with test automation and Sauce Labs. To help this effort, we've reworked some Python example code, which can be found in the Sauce Labs Training Demo Python repository.

Protect Your Applications With Cleafy Plugin for Kong

When protecting your online services, the weakest link is represented by the endpoints – that is, by the end-user devices running web or mobile applications or by external systems leveraging open APIs. As a matter of fact, there is a growing number of targeted attacks leveraging sophisticated techniques such as malicious web injections, mobile overlay and API abuse attacks to perform identity hijacking, account takeover, transaction tampering and payment frauds.

Why and How to Host your Rails 6 App with AWS ElasticBeanstalk and RDS

When you deploy a new Rails app, you typically face a double-bind. If you use an easy platform like Heroku, you could create problems for yourself as your application scales. If you use a more fully-featured platform, you risk wasting time on ops that could be spent on your product. What if you could have both: an easy deployment option that is easy to scale?