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Identity Server 6 & Private CIAM Cloud with B2B CIAM, WSO2 Webinar

In today’s competitive environment, many organizations seek to expand their business operations through innovative partnerships (B2B). These partnerships can transform an organization’s entire value delivery chain, allowing them to create new business models and reach more customers. Learn about WSO2’s latest feature enhancements that enable organizations to create innovative, low-friction customer experiences across B2C, B2B, and G2C use cases.

Automated Visual UI Testing on the Katalon Platform

Quality on the UI matters – and visual testing does too. The Katalon platform pairs automated functional and UI testing to help teams deliver applications that win: win time-to-market and win the trust of digital customers. With AI-infused into the solution, no additional third-party tools or extensions are needed to highlight critical mismatches in layout, colors, fonts, and misplacement of visual elements.

Hybrid performance testing with k6 (k6 Office Hours #71)

What is hybrid performance testing? It's an approach that involves writing and executing browser- and protocol-level testing scripts, but it does come with its own challenges. On this week's k6 Office Hours, Developer Advocates Marie Cruz and Leandro Melendez (Señor Performo) discuss the best practices for running hybrid performance tests with k6.

What's new in Kong Gateway 3.0 with Michael Heap and Guanlan Dai | #KongSummit22

What’s next for Kong Gateway? Join us as we reveal the next evolution of Kong's cloud-native API platform. Businesses are fighting to build exceptional digital experiences to stay ahead — and that means an explosion of demand for APIs. But with more APIs to design, run, and govern, you have to juggle managing APIs across mixed and complex environments, scaling to the demand of web applications, and ensuring compliance and security as APIs become the number one attack vector.

Episode 6 | Data Analytics | 7 Challenges of Big Data Analytics

The first 5 challenges of #bigdataanalytics have been solved, bringing us closer to the end of the #datajourney. And here is where it starts getting real: Data Analytics. Today, there are struggles between operational and business analysis departments. SQL and ML functionality natively without data movement or duplication. How can you access and share the data timely, and efficiently, without data movement or duplication or an insane cost increase? Thomas Hazel shares his insights on how any organization can overcome this challenge, easily.

How to customize color ranges in charts

Learn how to change the color settings in a chart by using different metric ranges, and even custom sets of colors. You'll learn how manipulate the color in your charts by setting upper and lower bounds, or by specifying the midpoint in your chart. You will also learn the two places that you can access the color settings in your charts.

Is low-code viable for developers? - LowCodeCon 2022 Talk

This was a talk given by Shantoie Vorster at LowCodeCon 2022. We ask if low-code tools are viable for developers, especially in an enterprise environment. Shantoie tells about his experiences developing enterprise systems using low-code tools. These applications range from critical business processes, ETLs, APIs and more. The talk also includes a small demo of Linx to showcase the platform's potential in the hands of a developer.

Introduction to Agile Software Development | Anant Verma | Antino Labs

In today's era Agile is widely being used in every organization. In this technical session you are going to get a brief overview about Agile. It will cover topics including who do we need Agile, Various concepts of Agile and how to implement the agile. Get the complete understanding of Agile process in this technical session of 1 hour.