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Rollbar Academy: Notifications and Issue tracking

Understanding and utilizing notification rules helps keep the right people informed about Rollbar issues, and they also play an important role in automated issue tracking too. You'll learn how these features work in tandem to help improve your developer experience, and how you can implement them to work effectively for your team and its needs.

Building connections while having fun: The CS team's Center of Funcellence

Our Customer Success (CS) team here at Appian enjoys spending time with one another both inside and outside of work. This is one of the many reasons our Center of Funcellence group exists. In our most recent blog post, Co-Presidents Jennifer and Abs, explain what the group does, how they facilitate team bonding and interaction, and what their favorite memories are since they’ve joined.

Software QA Jobs | Software QA Walkins | Software QA Internships |

Qualitician is the leading global career site for professionals working in the software testing domain. Set up your profile, apply to software qa jobs, see where you are along the application process, quickly follow up with employers, and let recruiters find you fast. We’re growing quickly and adding new software qa opportunities every day. Explore open software qa roles to find a position that's right for you. Find your next dream software qa job here!

[MLOps] The Clear SHOW - S02E11 - DIY Strikes Back! Building the Model Store!

Ariel extends ClearML's "experiment first" approach towards a "model first" approach - by building a model store. See how easy it is to add metadata to the model artifacts. + Colab notebook (uses the demo server, just run it and see what happens) ClearML is the only open-source tool to manage all your MLOps in a unified and robust platform providing collaborative experiment management, powerful orchestration, easy-to-build data stores, and one-click model deployment.

Online Meetup: Kong Gateway 2.5 Release

In this session, we get you up-to-speed on the Kong Gateway 2.5 release with a summary of the features and news, including: Kong’s Online Meetups are a place to learn about technologies within the Kong #opensource ecosystem. This interactive forum will give you the chance to ask our engineers questions and get ramped up on information relevant to your #Kong journey.

How to add performance testing to CI/CD pipelines using k6 and GitHub Actions

Nicole van der Hoeven shows how to add performance testing to a CI/CD pipeline from scratch and for free, using k6 to write a test script and GitHub Actions to automate it. She also talks about how to set it up using k6 Cloud and why the extra cost might be justified. OTHER CI/CD TOOLS.

[MLOPS] From #GTC21: Best Practices in Handling Machine Learning Pipelines on DGX Clusters

Learn how to set up and orchestrate end-to-end ML pipelines, leveraging large DGX clusters. We'll demonstrate how to orchestrate your training and inference workloads on DGX clusters, with optional setup of remote development environments leveraging the multi-instance GPUs on the NVIDIA A100. We'll also show how pipelines can be built to serve both research and deployment workloads, all while leveraging the compute inherent in the DGX cluster.