It's impossible to learn about containerization without hearing about Docker and Kubernetes. These two tools together dominate the world of containers, both being the de-facto standard in what they each do. When you're first getting started learning about containers, it can be quite a challenge to figure out what the differences are between these two tools.
Selenium is one of the most popular and widespread open-source software testing tools for browser testing and automation. With Selenium, people can run automated tests for web applications through various platforms. Unfortunately, this handy cross-browser testing tool does come with some caveats. The good news is that there are plenty of test automation tools you can find in the market – do just one Google search, and you will stumble upon hundreds of alternatives to Selenium.
I love this quote, though I’m not quite sure if “Jan Houtema” is a real person. It may be a Paul Graham pseudonym… But in any case, yes, change breaks brittle things and one of the challenges of automated browser testing is to mitigate that effect as much as possible while you design tests for an ever-changing application.