Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Data Classification Now Available in Public Preview

Organizations trust Snowflake with their sensitive data, such as their customers’ personal information. Ensuring that this information is governed properly is critical. First, organizations must know what data they have, where it is, and who has access to it. Data classification helps organizations solve this challenge.

Unlocking New Revenue Models in the Data Cloud

Today’s applications run on data. Customers value applications not only for the functionality they provide, but also for the data itself. It may sound obvious, but without data, apps would provide little to no value for customers. And the data contained in these applications can often provide value beyond what the app itself delivers. This begs the question: Could your customers be getting more value out of your application data?

A Detailed Comparison of UI Testing Tools and What to Look For

The goal of user interface (UI) testing is to verify that: However, most software testing tools either test the appearance of the application or the functionality—few tools do both well. To test functionality, most automated software testing tools primarily interact with the underlying code of an application, while assuming that the visual layer (what the user sees) is rendering properly.

12 Best Referral Platforms for E-Commerce

Do you need a way to increase your website traffic? Is running your Facebook ads too expensive for you? If so, then we’ve got the perfect solution! Referrals are the best way to get new customers, and they don’t cost anything. Learn how you can use referrals on your own or combine them with other marketing methods to take your business to the next level. Do you want more customers but are not sure where to start? Have no fear!

How to use the BigQuery command-line tool

BigQuery can query terabytes of data, use familiar SQL, and only charge you for what you use! Take your data to the next level with the multifaceted bq command line tool. In this quickstart tutorial, Ryan Matsumoto demonstrates how to run queries and analyze data in BigQuery using the bq command line tool so that you can gain insights and make data-backed decisions to propel your organization.

How to Create a Cypress Test Run & Send Cypress Test Results to TestQuality with GitHub Repo Example

An overview How to Create a Test Run in Cypress Test Automation Framework with Live Github repository code examples and How to Send Cypress Test Results to TestQuality Test Management Tool with Integration with CI/CD DevOps Pipeline.