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Choosing the right network architecture for your Apigee-fueled APIs

API gateways are a critical component of a modern architecture. Apigee X is Google Cloud's API management platform. It also allows users of the legacy Apigee Edge product to leverage Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) products and features, like Cloud Armor and Load Balancers. With these new security and availability advantages come a new set of challenges. The biggest challenge is accessing API backends in multiple VPCs. This introduces VPC peering transitivity restrictions.

Harnessing the Power of Insomnia Plugins

Insomnia is a fast and lightweight open source desktop application that doubles as a tool for API design and testing and as an API client for making HTTP requests. It has built-in support for REST Client, gRPC and GraphQL. All of that is just what you get out of the box. Many users of Insomnia aren’t aware of its secret menu: plugins. Plugins are key to enhancing your usage of Insomnia. Insomnia already boasts a library of nearly 350 plugins, and they’re quick and simple to install.

Using gRPC with Python

Microservice is now the architecture of choice for many developers when crafting cloud-native applications. A microservices application is a collection of loosely coupled services that communicate with each other, enhancing collaboration, maintainability, scalability, and deployment. There are several options for enabling this communication between microservices. REST is the most popular among developers, sometimes used synonymously with APIs. However, gRPC can be a better alternative to REST.

Top 3 Reasons Spreadsheets Miss the Mark for Cap Table Management

Cap tables are a valuable tool for a close look at the equity capitalization within your organization. But relying on static spreadsheets makes it difficult to gain a comprehensive, real-time view of your capitalization structure. Sifting through spreadsheets manually and reconciling disconnected systems are both time-consuming and cumbersome.

Make Your AWS Data Lake Deliver with ChaosSearch (Webinar Highlights)

When CTO James Dixon coined the term “data lake” in 2011, he imagined a single storage repository where organizations could store both structured and unstructured data in their raw format until it was needed for analytics. But without the right storage technology, data governance, or analytical tools, the first data lakes quickly became “data swamps” - morasses of data with no organizational structure and no efficient way to access or extract meaningful insights.

Loading Data to Redshift: Five Options and One Solution

Around 95 percent of organizations say their inability to manage and comprehend data holds them back. It's no wonder, then, that so many of these companies are loading their data into a single location like Amazon Redshift. Redshift uses SQL to analyze data sets so users can solve organizational problems and make more profitable business decisions.

7 HCM Integration Best Practices

Human capital management (HCM) is a set of practices used by the human resources department for onboarding new talent. These practices focus on the needs of the organization to fulfill specific vacancies and are implemented across three main categories: hiring, managing and optimizing the workforce. HR departments rely heavily on their apps.

Upgrade Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) to Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud Base

CDP Private Cloud Base is an on-premises version of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). This new product combines the best of Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub and Hortonworks Data Platform Enterprise along with new features and enhancements across the stack. This unified distribution is a scalable and customizable platform where you can securely run many types of workloads. CDP is an easy, fast, and secure enterprise analytics and management platform with the following capabilities.

Connected Apps or Managed Apps: Which Model to Implement?

We recently wrote about the interest we’re seeing in connected applications that are built on Snowflake. Connected applications separate code and data such that the app provider creates and maintains the application code, while their customers manage their own data and provide their data platform for processing the application’s data. Some of our partners choose the connected application model because it has benefits for both customers and application providers.