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Examining the Skills Most in Demand by Tax Teams: The Merger of Tech and Finance

Finance teams have played a leading role in the adoption of technology to transform previously inefficient manual or spreadsheet-based processes. While investment in tax and transfer software has tended to lag that in core finance systems, adoption is maturing and pressure from the office of the CFO to implement digital tools is beginning to grow.

Intergenerational Knowledge-Sharing: Democratizing Technological Discovery

For my sixth birthday, my father brought home a globe of the world. It is the best birthday present I have ever received. We had been reading Stefan Zweig’s masterful book on Magellan together, and together, we traced our fingers along the vast, boundless oceans of our world. We lived in a small, tiny apartment, but with that gift, my imagination soared beyond the confines of our cramped home.

A Beginner's Guide to Amazon Redshift

Data. Big data is everywhere in your business and odds are good that you have petabytes of it. From your customer's purchasing information to financing data, you need to make sure that you are properly managing your data. This means working on recording, organizing, and analyzing it. As the old expression goes, "Junk in, junk out." If you don't properly manage your data, you'll have nothing but junk. This means that you have to store your data and datasets. Now Has a New NetSuite Connector!

When it comes to big data, the general rule of thumb is "the more of it, the better." With more information at your fingertips, you'll be better equipped to run analytics workflows and uncover valuable insights for data-driven decision-making. However, there's another rule of thumb that applies in situations like these: "sharing is caring." Even if you collect massive quantities of information, its benefit will be limited if other people and software in your organization don't have access to it.

Banking API vs Open Banking vs Neo Banking Made Simpler

Fintech is the future of finance. From digital wallets to firms that help traditional banks create digital customer solutions, financial technology companies are thriving. Because of this, you may come across plenty of new banking terms. Keeping up with this terminology may seem challenging, which is why we’ve created our guide to the banking API vs Open Banking and Neo Banking.

Make the leap to Hybrid with Cloudera Data Engineering

Note: This is part 2 of the Make the Leap New Year’s Resolution series. For part 1 please go here. When we introduced Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) in the Public Cloud in 2020 it was a culmination of many years of working alongside companies as they deployed Apache Spark based ETL workloads at scale.

Developer Experience Vs. User Experience

While they may seem similar at first glance, Developer Experience (DX) is not just “User Experience (UX) for developers”. Rather, DX is an extension of UX focused on users who build with technical languages and tooling. DX follows the same core principles of UX but extends it by recognizing that technical details and mechanical processes can be understood and utilized efficiently by a developer.

Getting started with using xk6 extensions, with Paul Balogh (k6 Office Hours #41)

Paul Balogh, Developer Advocate, talks to Nicole van der Hoeven about what k6 extensions are, how to use them, and why extensions are so important for a load testing tool like k6. Paul also shares his experience in being one of the newest members to join the k6 team.

Episode 3: How telematics leader Geotab powers innovation with BigQuery

In this episode, Bruno revisits Geotab, a software-as-a-service-company that specializes in connective commercial vehicles and fleet management, to dig deeper into their data journey. Bob Bradley, Associate VP of Data and Solutions, shares the company's staggering growth (from 400,000 vehicles to well over 2 million in just 5 years) and how Google Cloud has helped them to keep up and stay ahead of the competition.