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Top 7 Virtual Salesforce Conferences And Events For 2022

Salesforce is one of the most prestigious and lucrative companies in the world, reporting $21.25 billion in total revenue in the 2021 fiscal year The company's groundbreaking cloud-based software is a revolutionary element for organizations and businesses around the world, helping them automate, streamline and optimize everything from customer service and marketing to application development and data analytics.

3 Benefits of API Banking

Financial institutions rely on APIs to permit their different financial software solutions to communicate or to give clients access to their processes. Every time a client opens a mobile app for banking on their phone or interacts with the financial services industry through the web, they are using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). The interaction with mobile users is one of the biggest benefits of API banking and APIs in general.

How to break down silos and free your data

As a modern, data-driven organization, you are likely pulling data from a multitude of diverse sources. There’s consumer data from marketing programs, CRM, and point of sale systems, plus financial data from accounting software and banking services. Finally, there is product data from user logs and web applications. With so much data pouring in every day, it feels like you should have everything you need to answer any question that could arise. And yet, so many times you don’t.

Announcing the GA of Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud on Microsoft Azure

After the launch of Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud (CDF-PC) on AWS a few months ago, we are thrilled to announce that CDF-PC is now generally available on Microsoft Azure, allowing NiFi users on Azure to run their data flows in a cloud-native runtime. With CDF-PC, NiFi users can import their existing data flows into a central catalog from where they can be deployed to a Kubernetes based runtime through a simple flow deployment wizard or with a single CLI command.

How Data & AI Can Help Make Utility Line Inspections Safer

Electricity is fundamental to our society. As climate change becomes more severe and demand for clean energy increases, the future is the electrification of everything and along with it, the need for reliable energy. The U.S. infrastructure spans over a vast 200,000 miles and inspecting all of it is a time-consuming and high-risk process that often calls for hanging from helicopters or climbing tall towers. It is inefficient, costly, and dangerous.

The 7 Ts of product-Led Transformation

Transformation is a word that isn’t commonly favored by the product community. Why? Because transformation programs rarely allow product teams to autonomously decide how they will achieve their mission. Transformation programs also incur significant costs. According to CIO Magazine, global spending on digital transformation technologies and services was US$1.3 trillion in 2020, of which 70% of that spend is wasted. That is approximately $900 billion.

How Parallelization Can Improve Visual Testing

Harder, better, faster, stronger: depending on your age, these words will probably get Daft Punk or Kanye West stuck in your head. This mantra can apply to web app testing as well: the better and faster your test scripts run, the faster you can fix bugs, release better code, and deliver a stronger web app to make customers happy.

How to build and distribute iOS apps without Mac with Flutter & Codemagic

It’s hard to imagine developing apps for iOS without a Mac computer. There is no sign of this changing any time soon, but there are still ways to build the app for iOS and release it to the App Store even if you don’t have a Mac. With Flutter and Codemagic, you can build and distribute iOS apps without buying a Mac computer yourself.

The Data Chief LIVE: Better for everyone: How to battle bias in AI

Join Dr. Haniyeh Mahmoudian, Global AI Ethicist at DataRobot, Alyssa Simpson Rochwerger, co-author of Real World AI: A Practical Guide for Responsible Machine Learning and Director of Product Management at Blue Shield of California, Dr. Besa Bauta, Chief Data and Analytics Officer of State of Texas, Department of Family and Protective Services and NYU adjunct assistant professor, and ThoughtSpot Chief Data Strategy Officer, Cindi Howson, as they discuss the complexities of bias in AI.