Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Adding user tracking to your Node.js RESTful API with Moesif

Join Matt as he shows users how to add user tracking to your Node.js RESTful API with Moesif. In this tutorial, we will cover how to: Tracking users' server-side interaction greatly increases the value of API monitoring and analytics. With Moesif, begin tracking your API calls by user in a matter of minutes.

Mid Atlantic Meetup | May 2021 - What can APIs and Microservices tell us about organizations?

Architects are tasked with seeing that organizations meet their objectives with speed and quality, for a reasonable cost. This simple mission is anything but simple. Security, analytics, and everything in-between present themselves as forces to be acknowledged and considered. Building APIs and Microservices present new puzzles to be solved for architects. Or do they? In this session, we attempt to detect patterns that present themselves in organizations, which have their root in human elements. Yet reliably manifest in technology.

Understanding the Basics of Envoy Configuration - Denver Meshy Mesh Meetup

Envoy is a key part of a number of service meshes currently on the market, including Istio and the Kuma CNCF Sandbox project. As such, it is often helpful to better understand how Envoy is configured to operate as a data plane in a service mesh. In this session, you’ll learn about the basics of Envoy configuration, like listeners, filters, clusters, and endpoints.