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Fresh Features: first-rate filters

Filtering is an underappreciated feature of business intelligence and analytics. Yet filters are critical to data analysis. Filters will probably be the primary method, of all the possible interaction types, that end users utilize. Welcome to part 3 of Yellowfin 9 Fresh Features. If you missed part 2, check out the enhancements to Yellowfin's automated data discovery - Signals. Yellowfin has a rich filter functionality that isn't available in some of the other leading analytics platforms.

Katalon and Perfecto Collaborate to Deliver Seamless Continuous Testing

We are excited to introduce our newest collaboration with Perfecto — a smart continuous testing platform for web and mobile applications. This brand new integration between Katalon Studio and Perfecto offers the ability to execute web and mobile test scripts against devices or browsers in the Perfecto Cloud and analyze test results from a unified dashboard.

Why data catalogs are on the rise

A really interesting development I’ve seen in the data and analytic space lately is the rise of the data catalog. You may know these by another name such as a semantic or metadata layer, but they’re all fundamentally the same thing. Data catalogs aren’t new, they’ve been around for a long time. While some vendors like Yellowfin and Cognos have always had them, others like Tableau and Qlik are now just getting to them.

The Value of Options in the Data Integration and Analytics Supply Chain

Over the course of my career in Financial Services, I have struggled with how few options I really had when it came to delivering the right information, to the right people, at the right time. It sounds sort of ridiculous considering how much time, money and effort the firms, for which I worked, spent on data warehouses, reporting systems, business intelligence tools and advanced analytics.

.NET Performance Optimization: Everything You Need To Know

It’s Friday afternoon, the majority of the development staff has already packed up and headed home for the weekend, but you remain to see the latest hotfix through to production. To your dismay, immediately after deployment, queues start backing up and you begin to get alerts from your monitoring system. Something has been broken and all evidence points to an application performance bottleneck.

Four Logging Best Practices for Production Applications

Logging is an essential part of just about any PHP-based application; whether in a script or a larger application. However, how little is too little and how much is too much to log? If we don't log enough information, when something goes wrong, as it invariably does, then we won't have enough information available to determine what went wrong so that we can fix the problem. However, if we have too much information, then we'll be unable to filter out the white noise.

How to adopt Mobile DevOps practices: mindset and technologies

Mobile DevOps is more than simply adopting a new set of tools and practices: it also comes with the need to adopt a completely different mindset, in the form of a cultural-organizational change. The approach is based on the Agile methodology, but takes its practices further: not only by getting other teams more involved, but by replacing function-based teams with product-, and project-oriented teams as well.

How Florida State University is Boosting Student Success and Addressing Data Challenges

For public universities, metrics such as retention rate and graduation rate are important indicators for standing out in the competitive landscape. These success metrics are paramount to bringing in more students, making them successful, and continuing to grow a strong alumni network.

Top 6 Website Builders for Beginners

In 2020, a website is essential for just about everyone. Whether you run a small business, are a blogger, a professional like a graphic designer or a freelance writer, or an entrepreneur, a website is critical for being able to do what you do. Luckily, these days it is also extremely easy to create a website. Thanks to the large number of website builders now available, you no longer need to hire a web developer, and instead can build your own website from scratch.