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Looking back at Keboola Connection: 2019

For Keboola, 2019 was a year of growing—and growing up. We evolved a lot, on both the business and product sides. In this blog, I want to give a quick overview of the changes, as well as give you some indication of what to expect from us in the next 6 months. Many of those improvements were inspired or directly driven by our users - there is a “wishlist” button available for everyone right in the Keboola Connection UI.

How to Fix JavaScript Errors

My computer programming teacher had always told me that 10% of our time is spent developing 90% of our application, and the other 90% of our time finishing the last 10% of our project. Even with a good project plan and a concept that makes logical sense, most of our time will be consumed with fixing errors. Moreover, with JavaScript, our application can run without obvious errors preventing it from being run, so we have to employ several techniques to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Fresh Features: automated data discovery goes prime time

Here’s part 2 of ‘Fresh Features’ of Yellowfin 9. And this week, we’re looking at Signals. Signals is Yellowfin’s unique and powerful automated data discovery product. It will automatically scan your dimensional data and find any significant changes in your data. Then, it automatically sends you an alert, complete with analysis and correlations to help you take swift action to nip issues in the bud or build on successes.

How to perform Mobile Automation Testing of the UI?

Whether it is a web or mobile application, testing is one of the most important aspects of the web/app development process. As the IT industry is leveraging test automation to make several complex activities fast and smooth, automated testing can be implemented to reduce human errors and save a lot of time. So, in this article, we will discuss how to set up test automation for the mobile web UI.

From GDPR to CCPA, the right to data access is the Achilles' Heel of data privacy compliance and customer trust - Part 3

In the first and second blog posts we explained the importance of DSAR as well as how the customer experience can be impacted if the process is not well managed. In this last part, we will go through a few tips that could help you to be DSAR champions!

How to Migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2

A growing number of online retailers are now migrating to Magento 2 from the earlier version, Magento 1. This trend of migration is driven both by functional advantages and strategic planning as Magento will stop supporting its 1.x versions after 2020. That’s the reason why so many business owners are upgrading their online stores with the latest technology.