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One-Time Authorization Code for REST APIs in WSO2 Identity Server

WSO2 Identity Server provides many identity management workflows and password management workflows out of the box, e.g., self-registration, user invitations, password recovery, etc. However, it is not unusual to come across a situation where the workflow capabilities provided out of the box in the product, is not sufficient to fulfill your business requirement.

Re-issue Existing Password Recovery Confirmation Code in Followed Recovery or Resend Requests

Photo by Micah Williams on Unsplash This article discusses a new feature which will be released for the public distribution of WSO2 Identity Server 5.12.0. This feature was developed to overcome the following scenario: You can refer to the following diagram for a deeper understanding of the above flow. This scenario can be experienced by anyone. As such, we introduced a new way to handle this scenario (as shown below) for the notification based password recovery flow.

Shield Yourself Against Payment Frauds Using AI/ML Models

Preventing, detecting, and eliminating fraud is one of the major focus areas of the e-commerce and banking industries at present. Banks and other financial institutions are investing in new ways to meet the challenge of preventing fraud. Firms are now embracing Artificial Intelligence (#AI) and Machine Learning (#ML) technology to detect, investigate, and reduce money laundering and transaction fraud effectively and efficiently. AI-based fraud prevention is very effective at reducing chargebacks, fake accounts, spam, account takeovers and so on., says Payel Ghosh, Associate Principal Consultant, Cigniti Technologies.

Shield Yourself Against Payment Frauds Using AI/ML Models

Scammers exist in all forms of commerce. With the advancement of e-commerce, fraud has taken on new forms and become more powerful than ever before. Fraudsters take full advantage of any loophole in any system. Preventing, detecting, and eliminating fraud is one of the major focus areas of the e-commerce and banking industries at present. Banks and other financial institutions are investing in new ways to meet the challenge of preventing fraud.

18 Great Plugins to Keep Your eCommerce Website Secure

The threats of hackers and data theft grows by the day and even smaller eCommerce sites are not safe from attack. Security should be a top priority for any eCommerce website owner, no matter how big or small their site may be. Fortunately, there are plenty of great security plugins available to help keep your site safe and secure. In this article, we will take a look at 18 of the best plugins for keeping your eCommerce site secure.

Built with BigQuery: Material Security's novel approach to protecting email

Since the very first email was sent more than 50 years ago, the now-ubiquitous communication tool has evolved into more than just an electronic method of communication. Businesses have come to rely on it as a storage system for financial reports, legal documents, and personnel records. From daily operations to client and employee communications to the lifeblood of sales and marketing, email is still the gold standard for digital communications.

How to Plug an Existing User Store into WSO2 Identity Server?

Are you someone who already has a legacy system in place and wants to migrate to a modern authentication system with Identity and Access Management (IAM) features? The first thing you need to consider is how you can use the existing legacy user store with this new system. Keep in mind that if the legacy user store uses an old security mechanism to store your data, we would recommend that you migrate to the WSO2 JDBC user store format or Active Directory (AD).

Proof of possession for OAuth2 tokens(DPoP) with WSO2 Identity Server #Identityin15

In today's episode, we will discuss how you can secure OAuth2 Tokens with DPoP using the WSO2 Identity Server. DPoP (Demonstrating-Proof-of-Possession) is an additional security mechanism for the token generation which overcomes the issue of bearer token which will not validate between who is requested token and who is actually using the token for the access of a particular resource. The following is the outline for today's session.