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Ask Me Anything about Natural Language Query

Guided Natural Language Queries are the next step in the evolution of ad hoc interrogation of data sources. Being able to quickly pose questions to your data without getting into the details of advanced report editing and formatting is a powerful capability that enables on the spot insights for your audience. Simplifying this interrogation does require some consideration and design when enabling data discovery on complex or large data sets.

Understanding Data Products: A Comprehensive Guide

The emergence of data products has brought about a momentous change in how organizations are leveraging information for making strategic decisions. Data products encompass a broad scope of tools and solutions to reshape how businesses and industries operate. These innovations transform raw data sources into actionable insights. They offer dynamic reports, interactive dashboards, and sophisticated data-as-a-service offerings.

A Data-Agenda at Davos: Promoting the Promise of AI

In the buildup to this week’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the talk of polycrisis becoming permacrisis painted a picture of impending doom. These terms have been used to describe the global condition today, citing the “cascading and connected crises” triggered by war and geopolitics, economic uncertainty, and environmental concerns, and their persistence.

A Modern Embedded BI Platform: Yellowfin GM 2024 Update to Customers

To our valued users and partners, Happy New Year from the Yellowfin team, and welcome to our 2023 recap! As we step into 2024, I want to take a moment to reflect on the past year and the remarkable journey Yellowfin has been embarking on and provide our followers with insight into how we have approached the ever-evolving market of business intelligence (BI) and embedded analytics.

8 Best Reporting Tools in 2024

Are you hitting your monthly revenue goals? Driving a ton of traffic to your website? Have a great closing rate in your sales department? That’s great news – but your C-executives and shareholders won’t exactly take your word for it. Instead, you need a quality reporting tool to share your performance and key insights in a clear and professional manner.