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How to Write an Informal Business Report

The main problem with writing only formal reports in your company is that you won’t be able to quickly and efficiently communicate important urgent messages and the latest updates to your management and team leaders. You always have strict rules and formats that you have to follow, which will disable you from conveying crucial information in a timely manner. The biggest issue is that your management needs that information in order to make the day-to-day decisions and create efficient strategies.

4 reasons to integrate Apache Kafka and Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is a standout storage service known for its ease of use, power, and affordability. When combined with Apache Kafka, a popular streaming platform, it can significantly reduce costs and enhance service levels. In this post, we’ll explore various ways S3 is put to work in streaming data platforms.

Top Data Governance Tools for 2024

Five things you need to know about data governance tools: Data governance refers to the methodologies, procedures, and standards that control how your organization processes, manages, stores, and shares data. Legislation in your jurisdiction or industry — such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) — might require you to safeguard all the data that flows through your enterprise.

Impacts and Takeaways From the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) have come a long way since their inception in the 1950s. From the pioneering research of English mathematician and logician Alan Turing to the recent breakthroughs achieved by models like GPT-3/GPT-4, AI has undeniably transformed industries and revolutionized human-computer interactions.

How to Write Data Analysis Reports in 9 Easy Steps

Imagine a bunch of bricks. They don’t have a purpose until you put them together into a house, do they? In business intelligence, data is your building material, and a quality data analysis report is what you want to see as the result. But if you’ve ever tried to use the collected data and assemble it into an insightful report, you know it’s not an easy job to do.

Snowflake and the Pursuit Of Precision Medicine

The growing field of precision medicine holds incredible promise for delivering better patient care and medical innovation, but there are barriers to greater implementation. As an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention, precision medicine takes into account individual variability in genes, environment and lifestyle for each person. Its implementation has primarily been hastened by reducing sequencing costs.

Universal Data Distribution with Cloudera DataFlow for public cloud

The speed at which you move data throughout your organization can be your next competitive advantage. Cloudera DataFlow greatly simplifies your data flow infrastructure facilitating complex data collection and movement through a unified process that seamlessly transfers data throughout your organization. Even as you scale. With Cloudera DataFlow for Public Cloud you can collect and move any data (structured, unstructured, and semi-structured) from any source to any destination with any frequency (real-time streaming, batch, and micro-batch).