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Data Integration for Supply Chain Resilience During a Recession

During uncertain economic times, the resilience of a supply chain becomes paramount for businesses facing a multitude of challenges, such as dwindling product demand, supplier bankruptcies, and soaring costs of equipment and raw materials. In these critical moments, the power of data integration emerges as a vital force, enabling companies to dismantle data silos, harness the potential of data analytics within production processes, and foster seamless information sharing with manufacturing partners.

Fivetran vs Overview and Comparison

Fivetran and are cloud-based data integration platforms that pull data from different sources and push it into the most popular data warehouses and database systems such as Oracle Database, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Both Fivetran and feature visual, point-and-click interfaces and extensive selections of pre-built connectors that make customizing workflows and third-party apps simple. However, the differences between these platforms are significant.

Yellowfin vs Qrvey: What's the difference?

In today's data-driven era, businesses increasingly rely on business intelligence (BI) and embedded analytics solutions to integrate data analysis into their application workflows and help more people gain valuable insights for data-driven decision-making. But with such an important, long-term business objective comes the requirement of comparing tools to get the best value.

Increase data literacy and trust with Alation data catalog integration

When using data to make impactful business decisions, certain doubts may start to arise, like “What does this column exactly mean?” or “Can I trust this data source I want to use?” Questions like these speak to a larger need for increased data literacy and trust in data. ThoughtSpot continually invests in this area, giving users the confidence to build the correct Answers needed for their analysis—and ensuring they can trust the data they are shown.

Fivetran Co-Founder, Taylor Brown, gives his insights from his recent visit to Big Data London

In this episode of the EM360 Podcast, Analyst Christina Stathopoulos speaks to Fivetran’s Founder and COO Taylor Brown at Big Data LDN to discuss: Subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications to stay up to date with our latest product releases and updates.

Countly: The Only Self-Hosted Enterprise Solution for Product Analytics

For the past 10 years, Countly has distinguished itself in the analytics landscape, not by coincidence, but owing to its distinctive architecture, exceptional capabilities, and privacy-centric ethos. In the realm of self-hosted enterprise solutions for product analytics, Countly isn’t merely a contender - it's a pacesetter. This article delves into the myriad reasons Countly is held in high esteem as the unrivaled self-hosted enterprise solution in product analytics.

What is ETL?

These days, companies have access to more data sources and formats than ever before: databases, websites, SaaS (software as a service) applications, and analytics tools, to name a few. Unfortunately, the ways businesses often store this data make it challenging to extract the valuable insights hidden within — especially when you need it for smarter data-driven business decision-making.

Mastering Apache YuniKorn | Kubernetes Resource Scheduling, Deployment, and Beyond

Excited to have Krishna Birla, a Senior Software Engineer at Cloudera, as our expert speaker. Krishna specializes in Resource Management and Multitenancy in Kubernetes for the Compute Platform team. With his diverse experience in Cloud Computing, Kubernetes, and open-source contributions, Krishna is eager to share his knowledge on Apache YuniKorn.