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4 reasons to integrate Apache Kafka and Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is a standout storage service known for its ease of use, power, and affordability. When combined with Apache Kafka, a popular streaming platform, it can significantly reduce costs and enhance service levels. In this post, we’ll explore various ways S3 is put to work in streaming data platforms.

Universal Data Distribution with Cloudera DataFlow for public cloud

The speed at which you move data throughout your organization can be your next competitive advantage. Cloudera DataFlow greatly simplifies your data flow infrastructure facilitating complex data collection and movement through a unified process that seamlessly transfers data throughout your organization. Even as you scale. With Cloudera DataFlow for Public Cloud you can collect and move any data (structured, unstructured, and semi-structured) from any source to any destination with any frequency (real-time streaming, batch, and micro-batch).

How to Create a Bar Graph in Google Sheets [3 Easy Steps]

Look, while they’re certainly not the easiest way to consume information, most companies are still using spreadsheets in order to pull a lot of different data into one place. That’s the strength of Spreadsheets – collating a lot of information in one place. And while there’s a lot of functionality within a tool like Google Sheets to categorize and manipulate the data, it’s not the best tool to present performance data to others.

Announcing General Availability of Model Registry

In the dynamic world of machine learning operations (MLOps), staying ahead of the curve is essential. That’s why we’re excited to announce the Cloudera Model Registry as generally available, a game-changer that’s set to transform the way you manage your machine learning models in production environments.

Workato vs. Zapier vs. A Detailed Comparison

To gather useful insights from your data, you must integrate all of your data sources. What was once a highly technical and manual process is now simplified through the use of data integration solutions, such as Workato, Zapier, and All of these platforms support organizations of different sizes and backgrounds to manage their data sources across cloud computing infrastructure. And each one brings unique strengths to the table.

Snowflake and the Pursuit Of Precision Medicine

The growing field of precision medicine holds incredible promise for delivering better patient care and medical innovation, but there are barriers to greater implementation. As an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention, precision medicine takes into account individual variability in genes, environment and lifestyle for each person. Its implementation has primarily been hastened by reducing sequencing costs.