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The Ultimate Guide to HDFS for Big Data Processing

Discover how the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) revolutionizes big data processing by efficiently storing and retrieving massive amounts of data across distributed computing clusters. This comprehensive guide offers an in-depth overview of HDFS, uncovering its inner workings and exploring its powerful applications for big data processing. Learn essential best practices to maximize the potential of HDFS, tackle common challenges, and gain valuable insights for a successful implementation.

Capacity Pricing & Usage Telemetry in Qlik Cloud available today for Analytics and Data Integration

Qlik now offers capacity-based pricing and packaging for Qlik Analytics - building upon the rollout of the Data Integration capacity model in Q2. Starting today, our customers can select a pricing tier that best suits their needs around data movement and data analysis.

Big Data In Marketing: 9 Examples & Use Cases

It appears as if the entire world (with you potentially being the lone exception) has caught the artificial intelligence bug and it's setting the marketing realm on fire. And the numbers back it up. A remarkable 80% of the big leagues - we’re talking Fortune 1000 here - are increasing their investments in big data and artificial intelligence this year.

ThoughtSpot's new In-App Support empowers data confidence for all users

In the past, it was commonly believed that only administrators or designated support contacts benefited from live product support. But that shortsighted view fails to acknowledge the reality that every user—be you an occasional business user, tenured analyst, or in-the-weeds IT administrator—can encounter roadblocks and require assistance. That's why our new In-App Support is available to all users worldwide, regardless of their role.

Breaking the ice around Apache Iceberg to drive next-gen analytics

Watch the Apache Iceberg meetup presented by Cloudera and LinkedIn. Learn how you can improve your BI analytical performance with Iceberg. See how easy it is to adopt Iceberg without any disruption to your business. Learn from LinkedIn how they have deployed DBT, Coral, and Iceberg for boosting SQL Workflows.

Solidify Your Digital Strategy: How Automation Helps You Overcome Skills Gaps

Finance teams today are facing unique challenges as they adapt to the post-pandemic landscape. Between shifts in the talent landscape and ongoing recession fears, finance leaders are now focused on steering their organizations through turbulent market conditions that require faster, more accurate forecasting and reporting capabilities to support agile decision-making.