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The Art of Data Leadership | A discussion with Synchrony's Head of Provisioning, Ram Karnati

Did you know there are 1.4 million open tech jobs, but global educational institutions only produce 400,000 qualified individuals annually to fill them? In our third episode of The Art of Data Leadership, Synchrony’s Ram Karnati believes the answer lies with #AI, “Day-to-day coding is going to get easier; AI is going to take care of it. So, the next phase of talent transformation will not be focused on being the best coder out there. People will start to look for generalists who also understand business.”

How Secure is SFTP?

In an era where data security is crucial, understanding the robustness of our data transfer protocols is paramount. As businesses prioritize effective reporting, analysis, and insight gathering, the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process plays a pivotal role. This process gathers data from various sources, aiming to store it securely, often in a data warehouse. One method, Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), has been an industry standard for over two decades.

5 Key Ingredients to Accurate Cloud Data Budget Forecasting

Hey there! Have you ever found yourself scratching your head over unpredictable cloud data costs? It’s no secret that accurately forecasting cloud data spend can be a real headache. Fluctuating costs make it challenging to plan and allocate resources effectively, leaving businesses vulnerable to budget overruns and financial challenges. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Will ChatGPT Save the Chatbot Industry? (Part II)

In part one of this two part series, I reviewed the history of the chatbot, my 2003 patent, and the reasons why the conditions weren’t right for the type of chat experience we’re all now enjoying with ChatGPT. For part two, we get into what has changed and the different ways enterprises can drive modern chatbot experiences with ChatGPT.

The Complete Guide to FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and SCP

In the digital age, data transfer is integral to operations for businesses of all sizes. While Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes have become fundamental for moving raw data to destinations like data warehouses, the protocols you use to transfer these files can impact the efficiency and security of the entire operation. Dive into our comprehensive guide, as we shed light on the most popular file transfer protocols and their relevance in today's tech landscape.

Deploying an LLM ChatBot Augmented with Enterprise Data

The release of ChatGPT pushed the interest in and expectations of Large Language Model based use cases to record heights. Every company is looking to experiment, qualify and eventually release LLM based services to improve their internal operations and to level up their interactions with their users and customers. At Cloudera, we have been working with our customers to help them benefit from this new wave of innovation.

Empowering Business Intelligence with Yellowfin's Automation Capabilities

In today's data-driven world, companies rely heavily on business intelligence (BI) platforms to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. Yellowfin, specializing in embedded analytics, stands out with its automation features (automated business monitoring). These capabilities have revolutionized the BI landscape, transforming it from basic reporting to self-service analytics and providing companies unparalleled benefits.