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Streaming Pipelines to Databases - Use Case Implementation

Data pipelines do much of the heavy lifting in organizations for integrating and transforming and preparing the data for subsequent use in downstream systems for operational use cases. Despite being critical to the data value stream, data pipelines fundamentally haven't evolved in the last few decades. These legacy pipelines are holding organizations back from really getting value out of their data as real-time streaming becomes essential.

Moving Data From MySQL to Redshift: 4 Ways to Replicate Your Data

MySQL is the most popular open-source and free database in the world because it is powerful, flexible, and extremely reliable. But when it comes to data analytics, many companies turn to Amazon Redshift to complement MySQL. There are several ways to replicate your MySQL data to Redshift. But first, let’s dig a little deeper into why you should replicate your MySQL database to Redshift.

Running a BI Team with limited resources

Business Intelligence (BI) teams often face several resource constraints that can impact their ability to deliver their objectives effectively. They must run effective operations with limited time, resources, budget and people. The role can be incredibly challenging when multiple projects are highly prioritised, where data and reports were required yesterday. That said, there are ways to make these challenges more manageable.

Salesforce Data Enrichment: What You Need to Know

Your CRM software is the backbone of your business, empowering sales reps and marketing teams with valuable customer insights. Salesforce, the world's leading CRM software with nearly 20 percent market share, offers a wealth of features and functionality that many organizations have yet to fully explore.

CDP Private Cloud | Cloud-native analytics on-premises

In this demo, you'll learn how CDP Private Cloud, Cloudera's on-premises private open data lakehouse leverages Kubernetes technology to deliver cloud-native data storage, processing, and analytics capabilities in and air-gapped environment. We also delve into example modern data use cases that can run on CDP Private Cloud today, including large language models for training in-context enterprise AI, running an air-gapped data lakehouse with Apache Iceberg, and all your data can be underpinned by Apache Ozone for object storage akin to cloud storage.

Data-Led Growth: How FinTechs Win with App Event Analytics

In the rapidly shifting world of financial technology (FinTech), acquiring and retaining new customers to achieve long-term business growth requires a proactive approach to user experience and application performance optimization. As FinTech companies compete against rivals to grow a user base and revolutionize how consumers manage their finances, they increasingly depend on data-driven insights to optimize their mobile applications and deliver exceptional user experiences.

What is Enterprise Generative AI and Why Should You Care?

It seems like we are witnessing a new quantum leap of technological advancement, with Generative AI taking the world by storm earlier this year. Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged as a powerful tool that combines artificial intelligence with creativity, empowering machines to generate original content, such as images, music, and even text, that imitates human-like creativity from structured and unstructured data.