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Unleashing the Power of Countly for Kids Gaming Industry Analytics

In the first part of this article, we delved into the importance of data privacy for children's apps, examined prominent regulations like COPPA and GDPR-K, and offered practical advice for parents and developers to safeguard children's data. ‍ As indicated by the title, this second part aims to elucidate the exceptional qualities of Countly as an analytics tool specifically tailored for the kids gaming industry. ‍

Real-time data analysis for CaixaBank

CaixaBank leverages Qlik Sense to support 25,000 network and HQ employees with real-time data made available on any device. Powered by Qlik, CaixaBank’s ‘Mis Ventas’ (My Sales) app helps employees analyze sales and objectives and gain valuable insights, which the bank is using to define its commercial strategy and transform how the entire organization makes decisions.

Oracle to BigQuery: 2 Easy Methods

In a time where data is being termed the new oil, businesses need to have a data management system that suits their needs perfectly and positions them to be able to take full advantage of the benefits of being data-driven. Table of Contents Data is being generated at rapid rates and businesses need database systems that can scale up and scale down effortlessly without any extra computational cost.