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Is SRE the Antidote to Developers Behaving Badly? with BobbyD

Pushing your code to production without testing? You might want to think twice. In this episode, Bobby Dorlus, founder and CEO of #TheTechHustle, shares the importance of test automation, site reliability engineering, and his advocacy of diversity within the industry. Tune in as Jason and Bobby analyze the stats and real-life debacles that happen when testing gets skipped, as well as those who should be responsible for testing. Spoiler alert—it’s not just the developers.

Elevate Your Digital Infrastructure with Cigniti's Site Reliability Engineering

Did you know that our Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) service has helped Fortune 500 companies predict issues by 92%? In today's fast-paced digital landscape, ensuring your software applications' reliability, performance, and agility is critical for business success. Cigniti's SRE service empowers organizations with the tools, processes, and expertise to achieve these objectives seamlessly. Whether you want to modernize your infrastructure, automate workflows, or improve incident response, we have the SRE expertise and solutions to drive your success.

Building Resilience at Scale: SRE Best Practices for Growing Organizations

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, where uptime, performance, and user experience are paramount, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) has emerged as a crucial bridge between development and operations within organizations. SRE goes beyond traditional IT roles by emphasizing the fusion of software engineering practices with IT operations to ensure systems are functional, highly reliable, and scalable.

Why Site Reliability Engineering is a Key Enabler for Enterprises to Maximize Business Agility?

Agile methodologies are transforming and speeding up the development lifecycle of businesses, but operations are not being changed or speeded up in the same way. While the operations teams frequently struggle to keep up with this pace, it increases operational challenges in the application landscape. To make the whole IT operation more ‘agile’, it is critical to alter operations to par with how development processes are transformed.

Site Reliability Engineering and performance testing with Stephen Townshend (k6 Office Hours #32)

What's the difference between Site Reliability Engineering and performance testing? SRE and performance testing/engineering have a lot of overlap. Where does performance testing end and SRE begin? And what does this mean for people in those roles? To discuss this topic, we have three people with varying areas of expertise: Nicole van der Hoeven (k6) is a performance engineer, Stephen Townshend (IAG) has recently changed careers from performance to SRE, and Daniel González Lopes (k6) is an SRE who learned about performance testing when he joined k6.

Error Economics - How to avoid breaking the budget

At SLOConf 2021 I talked about how we may use error budgets to add pass/fail criterias to reliability tests we run as part of our CI pipelines. As Site Reliability Engineers, one of our primary goals is to reduce manual labor, or toil, to a minimum while at the same time keeping the systems we manage as reliable and available as possible. To be able to do this in a safe way, it's really important that we're able to easily inspect the state of the system.