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Get your GitOps for real-time apps on Apache Kafka & Kubernetes

Infrastructure as code has been an important practice of DevOps for years. Anyone running an Apache Kafka data infrastructure and running on Kubernetes, the chances are you’ve probably nailed defining your infrastructure this way. If you’re running on Kubernetes, you’re likely using operators as part of your CI/CD toolchain to automate your deployments.

Archive data from to S3 with the new Kafka Connect connector

The new open-source #ApacheKafka Connect sink connector for #S3 gives you full control on how to sink data to S3 and save money on long term storage costs in #Kafka. The connector has the ability to flush data out in a number of different formats including #AVRO, #JSON, #Parquet and #Binary as well as ability to create S3 buckets based on partitions, metadata fields and value fields.

Introducing the Apache Kafka App Catalog

Working with Apache Kafka and real-time applications comes with challenges. Visibility into the deployed applications and their dependency on what we call the “data fabric” is one of them (For the sake of this blog, it means Kafka and all its state and configuration). If you’ve built a multi-tenant real-time data platform with Kafka, where teams are deploying applications outside your jurisdiction, this is where the pain is particularly acute. It goes something like this.

The best of Kafka Summit 2020

After a self-isolated and event-free spring, some of us around the world welcomed a more promising summer. You might be taking some time away on a socially distanced holiday. You might be taking some time away from the day-to-day at home. But if a cold beer in the sun isn't enough to make up for these difficult months, the premier event for the Streaming Data Community is back! Kafka Summit has gone virtual this year and that means you can attend the event from anywhere.

Why our new Streaming SQL opens up your data platform

SQL has long been the universal language for working with data. In fact it’s more relevant today than it was 40 years ago. Many data technologies were born without it and inevitably ended up adopting it later on. Apache Kafka is one of these data technologies. At, we were the first in the market to develop a SQL layer for Kafka (yes, before KSQL) and integrate it in a few different areas of our product for different workloads.