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Sifting Through COVID-19 Research With Qlik and Machine Learning

Research on COVID-19 is being produced at an accelerating rate, and machine intelligence could be crucial in helping the medical community find key information and insights. When I came across the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), it contained about 57,000 scholarly articles. Just one month later, it has over 158,000 articles. If the clues to fighting COVID-19 lie in this vast repository of knowledge, how can Qlik help?

Introduction to Machine Learning Models

Over the last 100 years alone, artificial intelligence has achieved what was once believed to be science fiction: cars that drive themselves, machine learning models that diagnose heart disease better than doctors can, and predictive customer analytics that lead to companies knowing their customers better than their parents do. This machine learning revolution was sparked by a simple question: can a computer learn without explicitly being told how?

Welcome and Introduction to DataOps.NEXT

DataOps matters, especially in today’s uncertain times. Data management and analytics are crucial to respond faster and drive results for your business, your customers and society. That’s why we built DataOps.NEXT to help you get from now to what’s next, with data. We’ll bring out Dr. Jennifer Hall, the chief of data science for American Heart Association (AHA) to discuss how Hitachi Vantara and AHA have worked together to support research for COVID-19. Tune in for Pedro Alves, Hitachi Vantara’s head of product design and designated “Community Guy.” He’ll provide our vision and strategy for DataOps, including an update on Pentaho Open Source and Enterprise Edition

Connecting to 3rd-party APIs - How to work with REST API connector

In this video, I’m working with our REST API connector to connect to our own Integration Management API. We offer several ways to authenticate an API depending on its configuration. Here we take basic authentication with username and password. Now with the API, the username is actually the email address you registered with. You can navigate to the Profile Information page to copy it from there.

How to work with databases

To start working with a MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or MSSQL database, all you need to do is to select our Database connector. We have already learned from the short video on credentials that there are quite a few fields to fill in when you need to connect to a database for the first time. The data you see me enter here is merely from our test database.

The New Urgency to Transform to a Platform Business Model

The current situation has precipitated an intense acceleration of digital transformation. The future was always uncertain, but is now ever more so. Companies that run platform business models are proving to be relatively resilient during this uncertain time, and are likely to emerge stronger than ever. APIs are critical to these companies, and many traditional businesses are starting to adopt a platform strategy not only to survive, but to thrive.

How to Use Kong Gateway With K3s For IoT and Edge Computing on Kubernetes

Once upon a time, we had these giant structures where thousands of people would congregate to share ideas, pamphlets filled to the margins with buzz words and cheap, branded t-shirts. Yep, tech conferences – oh what a relic of the past that I miss. It used to be part of my job to attend these.

A Deep Dive Into V8

A majority of front-end developers deal with this buzzword all the time: V8. A big part of its popularity is due to the fact that it led JavaScript to a new level of performance. Yes, V8 is very fast. But, how does it perform its magic and why is it so responsive? The official docs state that “V8 is Google’s open source high-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, written in C++. It is used in Chrome and Node.js, among others”.