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Beyond Monitoring: Introducing Cloudera Observability

Increased costs and wasted resources are on the rise as software systems have moved from monolithic applications to distributed, service-oriented architectures. As a result, over the past few years, interest in observability has seen a marked rise. Observability, borrowed from its control theory context, has found a real sweet spot for organizations looking to answer the question “why,” that monitoring alone is unable to answer.

Programmatic Innovation: A Digital Resiliency Model Crafted for Enterprises to Thrive Amidst Chaos

In times of disruption, the most successful leaders transform uncertainty into opportunity by implementing an innovative, robust, and competitive business resilience plan. At Cigniti, we help global enterprises to stay resilient amidst uncertain times by implementing our homegrown framework Programmatic Innovation and building resilience through Proactive QE™.

What is Peer Review in Software Testing?

Reviewing your work is critical in the software development life cycle (SDLC). It reduces the instances of human errors and allows for better-quality code. Similarly, peer review in important, that involves peers checking each other’s work. But why is it essential, and how much software quality does it improve? Let’s see.

Can You Manage Requirements in Jira?

If your developers are already using Jira to manage tasks and issues, you might be wondering… Why not use it for requirements management too? Well, Jira can be used for requirements management — at least to a point. In this blog post, we'll explore how you can manage requirements in Jira, the challenges you may encounter if you do, plus a better option that allows you to continue to use Jira for issue management with an integrated requirements management tool.

Workflow Orchestration: Key Facts and 5 Best Practices

If you think workflow orchestration sounds like tech jargon, check out this simple explanation and consider practical advice for how to apply it to your business processes. Let’s start with the basics: what is workflow orchestration? Put simply, workflow orchestration is the end-to-end management of people, digital workers, systems, and data in a process.

How to Perform Cash Flow Analysis using Yellowfin Waterfall Charts

In this blog, the team at Yellowfin Japan demonstrates how to take advantage of Yellowfin's data visualization capability in the form of Waterfall Charts, using the example of analyzing a company's cashflow by using this visual diagram. So, what is a Waterfall Chart, and what does it look like in Yellowfin?

3 Process Mining Success Stories and 6 Common Use Cases

Process mining is a trusted tool for continuous improvement. It helps you understand your business processes as they actually are, shows you all of the variants and deviations, and provides suggested explanations for why process problems are occurring. Knowing how process mining works is one thing—putting it into practice is another. How do you know what makes a process a good candidate for mining? And how can you build a business case that a process needs to be mined?

Modernizing API Development With Code Automation

APIs have revolutionized how businesses interact with their customers and partners. By providing a simple, standardized interface, APIs allow companies to expose their functionality as services that anyone can access. However, managing and maintaining APIs can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Automating the code generation and testing processes can help reduce costs while improving quality and consistency.

Private AI vs Public AI: 4 Key Facts

Artificial intelligence (AI) has reached a tipping point in the public consciousness. Much of this has been driven by technology developments related to large language models (LLMs) and the release of generative AI tools, including ChatGPT from OpenAI. However, for enterprises shaping forward-looking AI strategy, a critical part of the conversation that needs to be addressed is the issue of private AI vs. public AI.