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Test Management 101: Integrations make continuous integration go 'round

Launching test automation tools in real time is an essential requirement for testers. That way all your results populate in a one-stop shop for continuous integration. Zephyr Enterprise allows you to integrate with Jira, Confluence, Crowd, and LDAP, continuous integration tools like Jenkins and Bamboo, and automation tools like Selenium and QTP/UFT. These diverse integrations enable you to realize the full benefits of these integrated, best-of-breed systems.

What is API-first? 5 opportunities to create business value

Our recent CIO survey with Oxford Economics contained a few takeaways that stood out to me: most companies are using API-first strategies, and those most committed to this concept report faster innovation and greater value from business partnerships. Even so, the survey indicates that a healthy minority of enterprises still think of APIs in integration-first terms.

[Tutorial] How to Create and Execute Test Cases Using Record and Playback

Test recording is the easiest way for new automation testers to start learning and experimenting with test automation. In this first video, we'll cover how to create and execute test cases using the Record and Playback feature in Katalon Studio. Katalon's Web Recorder Utility function saves you from the time-consuming hassle of manually identifying objects on application under test by capturing your actions and converting them into runnable code in the back-end.

Kong Demo: Protecting Microservices with Servicemesh

In this interactive demo, we will show how to encrypt and protect all services inside a service mesh using the Kuma Mutual TLS policy. We will then demonstrate how to control traffic permissions among each individual service using the TrafficPermission policy. In addition to security, Kuma provides traffic metrics using Prometheus and Grafana dashboards, as well as traffic tracing (APM) and traffic logging integrated into managed cloud logging and analytics services.

How Open Source Helps Bring Back Product Obsession

Did you know that one of the Sauce Labs co-founders created Selenium and that Appium was incubated in Sauce Labs? Open source is in our DNA! When a company relies heavily on open source, it is a common practice to develop strategies and long term goals to manage the relationship between the company’s products and the open source ecosystem.

How to Install JMeter on Mac?

When starting with Apache JMeter for performance testing the first step you need to take is to install JMeter on your development machine so that you can develop the test scripts. For installing JMeter on Mac machine you have a couple of options: In case you do not know what Homebrew means, we can say just that is a package manager for macOS. (For more information on how the set up Homebrew you can find on