Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Customer segmentation with Cosmo, Chief Destiny Officer

Do you ever feel like connecting with the right customer audience is just a matter of luck? We’ve met a CDO who leaves audience targeting up to chance. Cosmo, CDO is not a Chief Data Officer — he’s a Chief Destiny Officer. While we focus on data here at Talend, we’re trying to understand the 36% of business executives who say they don’t base the majority of their decisions on data.

Supercharge your Airflow Pipelines with the Cloudera Provider Package

Many customers looking at modernizing their pipeline orchestration have turned to Apache Airflow, a flexible and scalable workflow manager for data engineers. With 100s of open source operators, Airflow makes it easy to deploy pipelines in the cloud and interact with a multitude of services on premise, in the cloud, and across cloud providers for a true hybrid architecture.

Modernizing Your Cloud Platform for IT Agility and Efficiency

Businesses are increasingly embracing a cloud-first approach to increase market responsiveness and flexibility. The cloud-first approach refers to a cloud-like experience consisting of on-demand metered consumption of IT infrastructure, whether on the public cloud or inside private data centers. The rapidly evolving consensus among the tech leaders and vendors has led to an emergence of hybrid IT.

BaseLinker - Best E-Commerce Integrator

In today’s digital age, the shift to automated tools has to get a wriggle on since the uncertainty of physical workflow prevails. As such, online businesses require software and tools which can integrate manufacturing, inventory, financials, and orders at one place to enhance the internal communication between the ecosystem, all the while increasing the overall revenue.

Qlik Sense Insight Advisor Improvements

We cover some of the latest improvements in the Qlik Sense Insight Advisor. Insight Advisor is your intelligent assistant in Qlik Sense, providing AI-generated charts that are delivered in multiple forms using a variety of user experiences – these include field selection, keyword search and insight advisor chat. It auto-generates context-aware analyses learned from your data and search criteria and supports natural language interaction – it can also deliver more advanced analytics for users to explore.

APM with Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes Ingress

In this video, we’ll see how operating a Kubernetes environment using Kong Ingress Controller, Prometheus and Grafana can simplify the daunting task of getting full application performance monitoring up and running. Want to learn more about Kong Ingress Controller? Join us at Kong Summit (Sept 28-30), the biggest event for API practitioners.

Chaos testing with k6, Prometheus, and Grafana (Schrödinger's Pokémon)

In this presentation, Nicole van der Hoeven talks about what chaos engineering is, what it has to do with testing, and how to run chaos experiments and load tests in the same script, using k6. She also talks about how to set up Grafana and Prometheus for observability during chaos testing.

How to Power Rapid Transformation in Financial Services with Snowflake | Snowflake Summit 2021

There has never been a greater need to rapidly transform and innovate to stay ahead of the competition. In this session, join Snowflake customers Western Union, Goldman Sachs, and FINOS as well as partner Deloitte to learn about how the Data Cloud is powering financial services firms.