Our customers share why they chose Fivetran to replicate their database data and how their analytics have improved as a result.
We are truly excited to release Kong Mesh 1.2 today and introduce three new security capabilities that make it the most secure enterprise service mesh available today. Kong Mesh is built on open source Kuma which Kong created in 2019 and has since donated it to the CNCF. Kuma is a universal control plane for service mesh that is based on Envoy.
Each day, more and more companies consider opting for cloud-based solutions, and they almost always end up adopting them to some extent. While the increasing popularity of cloud services may be a significant factor in accelerating the adoption rate of cloud-based solutions, some individuals remain skeptical of migrating their applications to the cloud due to unfamiliar territory.
What’s trending in web design and development? Like humans, technology also continues to evolve as we find new innovations, doing things faster and make them work flair than they did before. This increasing attention to responsive web design is partly because of the increased usability and the performance it brings to the users. Each year, developers are always discovering new technologies that can keep them in the competition.
Amazon Redshift is great for real-time querying, but it's not so great for handling your ETL pipeline. Fortunately, Xplenty has a highly workable solution. Xplenty can be used to offload ETL from Redshift, saving resources and allowing each platform to do what it does best: Xplenty for batch processing and Redshift for real-time querying. Redshift is Amazon’s data warehouse-as-a-service, a scalable columnar DB based on PostgreSQL.
For the last few years, you have heard the terms "data integration" and "data management" dozens of times. Your business may already invest in these practices, but are you benefitting from this data gathering? Too often, companies hire specialists, collect data from many sources and analyze it for no clear purpose. And without a clear purpose, all your efforts are in vain. You can take in more customer information than all your competitors and still fail to make practical use of it.
Governance and the sustainable handling of data is a critical success factor in virtually all organizations. While Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) already supports the entire data lifecycle from ‘Edge to AI’, we at Cloudera are fully aware that enterprises have more systems outside of CDP. It is crucial to avoid that CDP becomes the next silo in your IT landscape.