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Shift Left Testing Approach: What It Is and Why It's Essential in QA

Have you ever thought of finding a bug in your software before it becomes a problem that costs too much to fix? That is what Shift Left Testing means—testing is done at the beginning of the development process. In the traditional approach, testing happens at the end of the development phase; defects found reduce development efficiency and lead to delays, high costs, and the risk of frustrated users.

Architecture testing with Laravel Pest

Ensuring that a growing codebase follows best practices and does not deviate from the standards is essential for any project. However, this can typically only be enforced manually by code reviews and other similar processes. As with any other manual task, this can be time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. That's where architecture testing comes in. Architecture testing allows you to automatically enforce code standards such as naming conventions, method usage, directory structure, and more.

Ultimate Guide on Starting Your Open Source Journey | Puja Jagani | #Testflix2024

Open source can seem like a daunting world to step into. Maybe you've heard it’s important, especially as more companies look for profiles with open source contributions. But where do you even begin? Starting on a random project feels overwhelming, and finding time is another challenge altogether. If you’ve ever felt like this, then this session is exactly what you need. Drawing from personal experience as a contributor to Selenium, this talk breaks down what it truly means to join the open-source community.

Comprehensive Guide To Running Tests With Cypress

Cypress is a robust end-to-end testing framework built for web applications. It’s designed to make testing straightforward and reliable, allowing developers and QA engineers to test everything from simple interactions to complex user workflows. With Cypress, you can create tests that simulate user actions, verify front-end behaviors, and ensure UI functionality with minimal setup.

Achieving Escape Velocity: Thriving on Complexity to Drive Agility | DevOps & Data Impact 2024

Many businesses are struggling with the large mass of investments, complexity and technical debt of their IT estates. How can IT leaders create velocity and agility in this reality? In this executive panel, our session moderator, will lead a discussion with other IT leaders on how they’re employing modern practices, data and tools to embrace complexity and move faster without attempting impractical, failure-prone changes to the way they operate. You’ll learn proven practices for moving faster, just when your business needs it the most.

Platform Engineering: A Strategy for Productivity, Compliance & Security | DevOps & Data Impact 2024

Platform engineering has emerged as an essential discipline for empowering application development and DevOps teams to deliver better software faster, while seamlessly addressing security and compliance requirements. In this keynote, Sanjeev Sharma, SVP of Platform Engineering for Dell Technologies, will share how his business delivers a comprehensive, automated platform for its teams. He’ll give an update on their progress and achievements, while addressing the most challenging roadblocks they’ve faced along the way.

Secure, Compliant AI for Government

Artificial intelligence (AI) was a major topic at Appian Government 2024, the premier event for public sector digital transformation leaders and mission owners. Most AI products are created on the West Coast, with commercial customers in mind. But commercial enterprises and government organizations differ in many ways. Important issues that affect the federal government’s approach to AI include: For 25 years, Appian has focused on serving public sector organizations.

Node.js v22 Enters Long Term Support (LTS)

On October 29, 2024,* Node.js v22 officially transitioned into *Long Term Support (LTS) with the codename 'Jod'. For developers and organizations relying on the stability of Node.js for production environments, this transition marks a key milestone for Node.js 22.x, ensuring it will receive critical updates and security support for years to come. Let’s take a closer look at what this means, along with a refresher on the Node.js release lifecycle .