The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.
According to Wikipedia, Data-Driven Testing(DDT) is a software testing methodology that is used in the testing of computer software to describe testing done using a table of conditions directly as test inputs and verifiable outputs as well as the process where test environment settings and control are not hard-coded. In the simplest form, the tester supplies the inputs from a row in the table and expects the outputs which occur in the same row.
Test automation helps increase development speed while reducing cost and effort. In this article, we will share how to automate testing to help keep a test automation initiative on the right track with key tips for test execution, design and maintenance for large enterprise applications.
So you’ve realized the benefits of test automation. Through your own research, or perhaps a small proof of concept, you’ve realized removing once-manual quality processes can accelerate release cycles and improve your user experience. You’ve built a small suite of tests, and the benefits are real. The next step in your journey, you realize, is to achieve the real value of automation, which means running it continuously and at scale.
OctoPerf’s report engine provides many graphs to sort and presents test metrics in a comprehensive way. We’ve tried to improve it over the years so that you can access critical information very quickly. But requirements vary from one project to the other. In this post we will look at how you can configure the report to show you preferred metrics, and also all the shortcuts you can take to achieve this goal.
A product, an application, a website, the success of all these do depend on the functionalities built into them. But answer to some questions like “How easy they were to use? How easy were they to understand? Did they do the job without any errors?”, ‘quality’ becomes the most important factor of it all. A developer may build the functionality but a tester determines the quality of the software and how well they were built.
You may have spent a considerable amount of time configuring Postman requests for your in-house API tests, and you wish to use them without having to create them again from scratch on Octoperf. That’s one of the many situations where Octoperf’s compatibility with Jmeter is going to come in a handy.
Creating a bug-free software is hard, to the extent that it seems like a myth. Bugs in software represent the discrepancy between the expected and actual behaviour of the software. Although it’s unrealistic to make software bug-free, efforts can surely be made to minimize the number of bugs in software through various prevention and detection techniques. Prevention techniques are the ones that can be used to prevent bugs from occurring in the software.