
Have a cool summer with BigQuery user-friendly SQL

With summer just around the corner, things are really heating up. But you’re in luck because this month BigQuery is supplying a cooler full of ice cold refreshments with this release of user-friendly SQL capabilities. We are pleased to announce three categories of BigQuery user-friendly SQL launches: Powerful Analytics Features, Flexible Schema Handling, and New Geospatial Tools.

The Ultimate PII Checklist

Data breaches can happen to any company, regardless of size or technical resources. In April 2021, Facebook’s reputation took a massive hit when a data breach impacted more than half a billion users. The worst kind of data breach involves personally identifiable information (PII). PII is essentially any data that contains sensitive details about real people, such as customers and employees.

Product announcement: Say hello to the new and improved Storage UI

Keboola’s Storage UI now comes with a new - slicker - look which will improve the user experience for all Keboola veterans. (New to Keboola? Do not fear. Simply follow along with the guided tour when you sign up for free, and you can unlock all the new features after June 2nd).

Effective Cost and Performance Management Amazon EMR Webinar Recording

Amazon EMR is a go-to platform for those who want all the power of Hadoop and Spark in the cloud. However, cost and performance trade-offs can reduce the advantages of EMR over alternatives. Lack of visibility into the root cause of problems, right-sizing options, and cost allocation can add confusion and frustration for EMR users. Unravel Data gives you visibility into the minute-to-minute operations of your workloads on EMR. Get root cause analysis (RCA) of workload breakdowns and slowdowns; AI-powered recommendations; and proactive fixes for many problems. With Unravel Data, you can meet and beat your SLAs, saving thousands - even millions - of dollars per year in the process.