The 2020 Marketing LUMAscape showcases more than 8,000 tools marketers can use to generate leads, drive brand awareness, and measure all their marketing efforts. But with all those tools, comes a lot of disparate and siloed data. How do you bring them all together in a consistent, reliable, and fast way to understand your ROI, determine attribution, and see which of your marketing efforts are working?
Welcome Technologies builds more robust data pipelines with Fivetran to propel its work on improving the lives of immigrants through a data-first approach. Key Takeaway With its data-first approach, Welcome Tech is developing machine learning and security models to better serve the immigrant community. After building and maintaining a Postgres connector, Welcome Tech brings on Fivetran to scale its data architecture.
November 15-21 marks International Fraud Awareness Week – but for many in government, that’s every week. From bogus benefits claims to fraudulent network activity, fraud in all its forms represents a significant threat to government at all levels. Some experts estimate the U.S. government loses nearly 150 billion dollars due to potential fraud each year, McKinsey & Company reports.
Deep learning has evolved in the past five years from an academic research domain, to being adopted, integrated and leveraged for new dimensions of productivity across multiple industries and use cases, such as medical imaging, surveillance, IoT, chatbots, robotic,s and many more. From NLP to computer vision, deep learning has been breaking the barriers of SOTA algorithms and providing results that were, otherwise, impossible to achieve.
Fraud awareness in the Financial Services industry is more important than ever. According to the September 2020 benchmarking report conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) in response to the coronavirus, 77% of survey respondents, representing a range of industries, have observed an increase in the overall level of fraud as of August, compared with 68% in May. The report reveals 68% of respondents have observed an increase in payment fraud schemes (vs.