
SoCal Talend User Group-Introduction to Serverless, Managed Data Science & Machine Learning

Watch as Talend solutions engineer Robert Morris and Prasad Kona from Databricks, who will show how to leverage technologies from Databricks and Talend to: Create an ETL pipeline to prepare and analyze complex datasets, Execute and manage it in a serverless environment in Databricks, Deliver machine learning at scale

Where in the hype cycle should your business adopt AI

There's an incredible amount of hype about AI today. Consumer use cases like self-driving cars and robotics have captured people’s imaginations and shown them that they can make a huge leap with innovation rather than an incremental change. That shift in thinking is exciting, but there’s also a lot of FOMO around AI that means businesses are just trying to tick a box rather than thinking more deeply about how they can use automation to improve their business.