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May 2022

Don't Know How to Interpret Your Data? Use This Playbook to Master Data Management

Data is everywhere. Whether you’re an executive, a manager, or just trying to keep your head above water in your day-to-day job, the chances are that you’ve had at least one interaction with a set of data this month alone. And if you’ve ever tried to interpret data for yourself or your team, you know how confusing it can be to make sense of it all, understand what information is critical, and what can be left to the wayside.

Types Of Reports in Business (And What Each Is Best For)

The reasons for writing reports in business are pretty compelling. Without them, you can’t have a complete overview of any past periods to evaluate your performance, fix mistakes, and replicate strategies that helped you achieve your goals. Moreover, you get to plan for the future and create an actionable plan based on the data you collected and presented in a report.