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Introducing The Bugfender Web SDK

We are thrilled to announce Bugfender’s new javascript SDK for the frontend, which applies the simplicity of our mobile SDKs to web applications. Bugfender JS has all the features that you already know from iOS and the Android SDKs, enabling you to: In this blog, we’re going to tell you how to access our new SDK, provide a quick overview of its benefits, and bring you up to speed with the evolution of the Bugfender project.

That 3am security call about Apache Kafka...

If you have worn the Platform or Security Engineer badge, or if you have a Sec/Ops role, you might have experienced something like this at some point in your career. Hopefully not. You receive a call at 3am, it’s your SOC, something’s not right. Oh sh*t! There’s unidentified traffic on the network from an unknown host and it’s communicating with a remote server. Sounds like a Level 3 exfiltration. It’s gonna be a long night.

Staying on top of your Kafka with email alerts from

Imagine being out on a Saturday morning, drinking coffee and catching some sun when a message on Slack from a colleague tells you about an incident on your Kafka infrastructure. Fortunately, you are able to identify the problem and correct it from where you are but wouldn't it be good to know about that Kafka broker going down at the time that this has happened? Is there a way to prevent that from happening again? Yes, there is: Lenses alerts.

The Checkered Flag for Autonomous Vehicles

People intuitively know that self-driving or autonomous cars present complex engineering challenges. Vehicle assembly is the easy part – we’ve been doing that for 100 years. The real challenge is a data challenge, acquiring and managing the data needed to run the vehicles’ brain, eyes, and ears. Autonomous driving technology complexity lies in the ability to ingest, store, analyze, and deploy large volumes of data & the high bandwidth needs of data-in-motion.

Look, No Strings! Puppeteer, Jest, and Sauce Labs

Over the years software tools, testing frameworks, and development practices have evolved to meet new challenges. This shift means testing is happening earlier in the software development lifecycle with developers increasingly taking on more responsibility for testing with a focus on speed. That’s why we’re excited to announce the expansion of our developer-first test capabilities.

Testing Better Together With the 2020 Continuous Testing Benchmark Report

A little more than a year ago today, aiming to address what we saw as a significant gap in the testing market, we first launched the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Benchmark, a new report organizations could use to see how their continuous testing efforts stacked up against both critical best practices and the testing efforts of other enterprises.

Secure your Kafka Connect connections with Azure Key Vault

Kafka Connect is a great framework for moving data in and out of Kafka. But doing so requires connections with some of your most important data crown jewels. Customer information held in MongoDB, audits in a S3 bucket, payroll information in an Oracle database. Connecting to these data stores requires authentication.

How Harnessing Your Data in Motion Can Drive Mission Success

Today’s globalized organizations demand a new standard for communicating and sharing information. That includes data-rich content that moves through environments, networks, and locales. From being stored, analyzed, and shared, to quickly and effectively moving between environments, to spinning up in clusters and informing endless applications—data is more critical than ever.

Operational Database Application Support

This blog post is part of a series on Cloudera’s Operational Database (OpDB) in CDP. Each post goes into more details about new features and capabilities. Start from the beginning of the series with, Operational Database in CDP. This blog post gives you an overview of the languages, frameworks, and applications supported by Cloudera’s OpDB.

Automating BigQuery exports to an email

Data accessibility and analysis is a crucial part of getting value from your data. While there are many methods to view data when it comes to BigQuery, one common way is to export query results as an email on a scheduled basis. This lets end users get an email with a link to the most recent query results, and is a good solution for anyone looking for daily statistics on business processes, monthly summaries of website metrics, or weekly business reviews.