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The practical guide to QA strategy for startups

Whether you’re formulating your startup’s first QA strategy or you’ve realized your existing strategy is undermining your otherwise-agile methodologies, this post is for you. In this piece, we focus on the practical frameworks and practices that’ll help you lay a strong foundation for quality assurance in your org. Among other things, you’ll learn: Before we get into it: any strategy needs support to succeed.

Power BI Data Preparation in 5 steps

Microsoft Power BI is a fantastic tool for data visualization and business intelligence. But as any data analyst can attest, before you can build metrics and dashboards, you need to spend more than 1/3 of your time preparing and cleaning the dataset for your Power BI instance. Luckily, there is a better way to cut down on this time-consuming task. In this article you will learn.

How to Build a CRUD App in Angular With Asgardeo Authentication

In this guide, we'll be building a staff management application that can add, update, and delete records, along with authentication functionality using the angular-oauth2-oidc library and Asgardeo. This application aims to solve the identity and access management (IAM) problem and provide a secure way to manage sensitive information.

Mastering Mobile App Development Architectures: Your Ultimate Guide

We all remember Snake, right? That game you played on your flip-phone to while away those hours on the train or tube, attempting to stop a digital serpent from eating its own tail. Well Snake is actually part of digital history. It was the first mobile app ever released way back in 1997, the founding fathers of today’s web3 marvels with their AI, VR and machine learning.

How to Integrate ChatGPT into Your Python Script

Want to add some cutting-edge AI magic to your code? That's right, we're talking about integrating ChatGPT - the powerhouse of large language models - into your Python scripts. With ChatGPT, your code will be able to understand natural language and generate human-like responses, revolutionizing the way users interact with your applications.

Insurance Trends for 2023 and What You Can Do About Them

With skyrocketing inflation and growing severity of weather-related losses, 2022 was a tough year for insurers. We were spot-on with our 2022 predictions—such as the need to improve the customer experience, increased adoption of connected underwriting, and the growing importance of ESG. While many of last year’s trends will continue into 2023, we have identified several emerging trends for this year.

Guide to Using Break and Continue Statements in Python

Do you find yourself frustrated with loops that never seem to end? Do you find yourself wishing you could skip certain iterations or exit a loop prematurely? Python's break and continue statements are here to save you! One of the key features of Python is its ability to control the flow of code using control flow statements. Two of the most commonly used control flow statements in Python are break and continue.