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February 2023 Product Updates & News

In this continuation, Allen Loew, a Principal Quality Engineer and Sauce Labs advocate, explains how saucectl has transformed his team's test efficiency. We’re excited that Sauce Labs new fellowship program is in full swing. Over the next several weeks, we’d like to introduce you to the five fellows who are working hard to improve and open source Elemental Selenium. Learn about our new brand identity, migrating to Appium 2.0, our enhanced cross-browser testing experience, and more.

k6 browser module

As of k6 version 0.43.0, xk6-browser is now bundled in k6 as an experimental module! 🙌 Since announcing xk6-browser in November 2021 at Grafana ObservabilityCON, the team have been busy adding on new features to include browser automation in k6. The interest from the community has also increased, which shows that browser automation and frontend performance is as important as backend performance.

Why Observability is Key to App Modernization and Increase Business Resilience

The performance and resilience of an application are used to measure the speed and scale of an organization. This is one of the key reasons businesses opt to modernize legacy applications using cloud-native technologies and platforms. According to a Gartner report, more than 95% of new digital efforts would be built on cloud-native platforms by 2025, up from less than 40% in 2021.

Automate Your CSS Formatting: Learn How to Use a Formatter

As any web developer knows, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) can be a real pain to deal with. The code is often messy and hard to read, which can make debugging a nightmare. Fortunately, there are tools available that can help automate the process of formatting CSS code. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how to use a CSS formatter to make your life easier.

Computer Vision 101: What It Is and Why It Matters

10 years ago, it would be ridiculous for people to believe that someday they would be able to use their faces to unlock their phones. That’s because it had been extremely difficult to create cartoon characters without profound drawing skills – but now we can easily turn photos into cartoon characters. Struggling with parallel parking? No worries, because self-parking systems are becoming standard equipment in vehicles.

Leveraging Data Analytics in the Fight Against Prescription Opioid Abuse

Every day in the US thousands of legitimate prescriptions for the opioid class of pharmaceuticals are written to mitigate acute pain during post-operation recovery, chronic back and neck pain, and a host of other cases where patients experience moderate-to-severe discomfort.

How to configure and use JMeter logging

We are going to look at how JMeter outputs to both the log panel in GUI mode and the log file in non-GUI mode. We will look at the properties relating to the GUI log panel and the Appenders and Loggers that determine what data is output and at what level the logs are output at. JMeter uses log4j to provide its logging mechanism and from the log4j website: We will look at how Jmeter configures Appenders and Loggers separately but they work together to produce the logged output.

5 Basic Steps To Implement The Technology Acceptance Model Of Usefulness In Your Development Organization

As engineering leaders, we all struggle to find the balance between creating cool technology and useable technology. Let’s be real. We all want to create cool things. It’s in our nature. But what’s the point of doing so when no one will use it? It’s crucial to remember that the ultimate goal of our work is to create something helpful and effective. Our work has to have a purpose.

APISecOps Tutorial: Delivering APIs Securely Together with Kong Konnect and Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

Red Hat OpenShift is the industry’s leading enterprise Kubernetes platform that runs ubiquitously across on-prem, and the cloud. With Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), a managed Red Hat OpenShift platform that runs natively on AWS, it is even easier to get kick-started on an enterprise-ready instance of Red Hat OpenShift in the cloud. Kong similarly distinguishes itself as a multi-platform, multi-cloud API Management solution pushing the vision of APIs.