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As Data Explodes, Storage-as-a-Service Takes Hold

Digital transformations are fueling the equivalent of a global data gold rush. We know from leading analyst firms that 90% of all data was created in the last two years and it will grow by a factor of two over the next five years. This has resulted in a changed perception of business, one that requires a shift from conventional business models to those that leverage data to gain actionable insights to improve operations, enhances customer experience and accelerates revenue.

Top 10 Insights on the State of Code Review

SmartBear recently released its State of Software Quality | Code Review 2021 report. The report highlights the industry trends and findings based off a survey of close to 800 respondents from the coding industry. While many interesting discoveries were shared, we’ve narrowed down and examined the top ten insights from the 2021 report.

Securing Your Phoenix LiveView Apps

LiveView is a compelling choice for building modern web apps. Built on top of Elixir's OTP tooling, and leveraging WebSockets, it offers super fast real-time, interactive features alongside impressive developer productivity. In this post, we'll show you how to secure your live view routes with function plugs and group live routes in a secure live session. Let's dive straight in!

Why now: The urgency for creating a data driven organization today

Data has long been a critical asset for businesses like yours to understand customers, operate more efficiently, inform go-to-market strategies, and retain your best employees. In a digital world, capturing and creating data-driven insights provides a major competitive advantage for those who can turn insights into action.

Redis scripts do not expire keys atomically

This short post by a member of Ably's engineering team describes how we resolved a problem that is typical of the challenges we face each week. We thrive on solving hard distributed system problems that are mostly platform agnostic and theoretical in nature, and this is the first post in a long-term series of articles about things we've learned recently.

In-depth analysis of the APM performance cost in Node.js

TL; DR: Based on the APM benchmarks results is evident that one of the main performance problems for a Node.js application in a production environment is the usage of the very same applications in charge of monitoring the performance for the application itself. This article explains the reasons with an in-depth analysis to show why using most APMs in a Node.js application is that expensive performance-wise.