We are excited to announce the release of the Ably Kafka Connector 3.0. Version 3 brings a host of improvements, including: Overall, the Ably Kafka connector v3.0 makes the management of Kafka pipelines extension to millions of web and mobile users simpler and more reliable.
How our analytics engineering team uses ChatGPT to write the most efficient dbt packages for your most common analytics use cases.
End-to-end (E2E) testing is an important part of the software development process, serving as a comprehensive way to verify that applications and systems work properly in real-life scenarios. It provides a level of assurance that your application will correctly exhibit behavior from start to finish.
In the fast-paced world of software development, identifying and reporting defects is the core responsibility of testers. It's common to become familiar with the application you are testing and develop blindspots that hinder your ability to identify and investigate defects. One of the reasons for this to happen is that you rely on scripted testing only.
Are you confused when to use try-except versus try-catch? Both are popular mechanisms that gracefully handle unexpected situations. Both share a similar philosophy in syntax, where a block of code is 'tried,' and if an exception occurs, it's caught and handled in a designated way. There's one big difference between them though: try-except is for Python while try-catch is for Java.
Interviews are generally anxiety-inducing, but as long as you have some solid preparation before you enter the interview room, there is nothing to worry about. In this article, we have prepared top 60 software testing interview questions, each with detailed answers and explanations, for you to consolidate your knowledge in the field. Our questions are carefully selected and categorized into 3 sections: Beginner level - Intermediate level - Advanced level.
Ever get overwhelmed by a chatty best friend asking a lot of questions? That's what the ChatGPT API "Over the Rate Limit" error is like. It's telling you, "Woah, slow down! Let me take a sip of water before we continue." In this guide, we will shed light on the rate limit and show you several ways to make your API requests more efficient to ensure you face as few interruptions as possible.