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Self Service BI: How ISVs Can Boost ROI and Empower Customers

In today's competitive software market, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) constantly seek innovative ways to add value to their offerings, and make features more accessible. One such area that holds immense potential is in providing embedded self-service business intelligence (BI) capabilities to customers, for better access to their data.

Sergey Tokarev about areas where AI technologies are being introduced

Today, it is already becoming difficult to imagine the monotonous work of a person without additional technological assistance. Thanks to AI, a large amount of data can now be processed many times faster and with less probability of errors. Sergey Tokarev, the founder of Roosh, announced a list of areas in which the use of artificial intelligence is becoming indispensable.

Introducing our New Feature, Explicit Window Targeting

We’re excited to introduce a new (and much requested!) feature to the Ghost Inspector community: Explicit Window Targeting. Now you have the power to specifically target which window or tab you want to focus on during your test steps. Usually, when you use a CSS selector in your test, Ghost Inspector’s test runners go through all the available tabs to find the first matching element.

Web Development Vs App Development

Although both the worlds of web development and app development meet the same goal i.e. spreading awareness and utility of the business, they are quite fundamentally different from each other. Web development is establishing and maintaining an organization’s online existence through websites, whereas, app development is all about creating and maintaining convenient mobile apps for the business! To delve a bit deeper into the insights between web development vs app development, let’s explore!

Unlocking the Magic of JavaScript Asynchronous Programming: Mastering Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await

“A single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous, concurrent programming language with many flexibilities”. This is how freeCodeCamp defines JavaScript. Sounds great, right? Well, read it again. JavaScript is supposed to be single-threaded and asynchronous simultaneously. Which, when you think about it, sounds like a contradiction.

What Is Virtual File Sync? How P4VFS Accelerates Sync Times

Virtual File Sync is a highly anticipated feature set that has the power to significantly accelerate sync times for Perforce Helix Core users. Here, we explain what Virtual File Sync is, how to set it up, and how to use it. Read on to learn more, or skip to the section that interests you most.