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How to Handle an ActionController:: RoutingError in Ruby on Rails

The ActionController::RoutingError is the most common error faced when working on a Ruby on Rails project - it’s equivalent to the classic 404 error in web applications. The ActionController::RoutingError indicates that there isn't a route in the application for the URL entered by the user in the browser.

Ozone Write Pipeline V2 with Ratis Streaming

Cloudera has been working on Apache Ozone, an open-source project to develop a highly scalable, highly available, strongly consistent distributed object store. Ozone is able to scale to billions of objects and hundreds petabytes of data. It enables cloud-native applications to store and process mass amounts of data in a hybrid multi-cloud environment and on premises.

Snowpark for Python: Large-Scale Feature Engineering, Machine Learning Model Training, and More

As data science and machine learning adoption has grown over the last few years, Python is catching up to SQL in popularity within the world of data processing. SQL and Python are both powerful on their own, but their value in modern analytics is highest when they work together.

Is there a better alternative to Selenium?

For almost two decades, Selenium has been the go-to framework for automated software testing. We have successfully developed that Selenium is a collection of technologies for automating browsers on many platforms. Selenium tools are used to automate web app testing, despite the fact that they are capable of much more. The logic for Selenium's test scripts may be written in a variety of languages, including Java, Ruby, Perl, PHP, and Python.

Drive Valuable Insights About Your Web3 Application Using API Analytics

What’s your API data telling you about your Web3 App? By lifting relevant information from your App’s API transactions and call logs, you can identify and proactively catch issues before they’re surfaced by your customers. Keep your customers happy and reduce churn - make your customer success team performant.