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Use Next.js and Vercel to build a link-sharing app using serverless WebSockets

In this post, we’ll show you how to use Next.js and Vercel to build a live link-sharing app. Users can share URLs of articles that they think might interest others, and anyone viewing the page will see the shared article appear instantly, together with a preview image and article summary: Along the way, in this article, you will learn how to: You can view the solution code on Github, or play with a live example.

Software Testing Linked to Health, Wellness and Medical App Successes

July 20, 2022 — Testlio, the originator of networked testing, has released a comprehensive report that identifies trends and benchmarks in medical and health app software testing. The report examines the release frequency, app store ratings, and testing device coverage practices of health, fitness, and medical apps.

HTTP Tracing in N|Solid [4/10] The best APM for Node, layer by layer

In Node.js, you can centralize tracing information generated by V8, Js code, and userspace code. Directly in the APMs, tracing means that you will have a detail of each flow in your application's process; this means that you will have records available of each time a function is called or a database or external information is called. With tracing, you will have a way to capture, visualize and analyze traces across complex architectures, including architectures that use monoliths and microservices.

Greater Inclusiveness and Accessibility for the Visually Impaired using Countly

Ever wondered what it would be like if we weren’t able to see all of a sudden? Being born blind and facing blindness and low vision at a later stage are very different experiences. When you first feel the loss of vision, the panic and the helplessness are real. It’s that feeling of losing something important that we took for granted. Let’s just take a moment to appreciate that we can read this all thanks to our healthy eyesight.

Generate Customized Tokens in WSO2 API Manager

There are two types of tokens which can be generated when invoking the token endpoint in WSO2 API Manager. They are Opaque tokens and JWT tokens. You can easily create a service provider through the Management console and select which type of token you wish to generate using the service provider. What if you want the generated tokens to be in a customized format? In this article, we will look at how to create our own token issuer and generate customized tokens.

Futuristic Ecommerce Data Trends--Are They Within Our Reach?

Digitalization has significantly accelerated ever since the 2019 pandemic. Fortunately, Ecommerce is a flexible industry that is capable of constantly evolving with changing digital trends and global developments. Customers today use multiple devices like smartphones, laptops, and desktops, and employ all these channels to gather product information. Ecommerce businesses offer omnichannel shopping for these customers to seamlessly shop between all these devices, with multiple payment options.

What is Data Visualization and its Importance in Business Intelligence?

Data visualization is synonymous with business intelligence. Like dashboards, it’s a core capability of analytics solutions, and it’s important to know its role in the BI process today. Data visualization is the practice of representing information graphically to communicate and contextualize data. It highlights important changes, patterns and trends using a visual format, such as charts, graphs, maps and plots, to help make data easier to understand.

How MOSIP Uses Ballerina WebSubHub for Event-Driven Integration

Ballerina is an open source programming language for the cloud that makes it easier to use, combine and create network services. In addition to the powerful language features, it comes with a rich standard library, which covers network data, messaging and communication protocols.

Geodis elevates customer experience using Talend Change Data Capture (CDC)

GEODIS Distribution & Express, a subsidiary of GEODIS, is the leader in France for reliable last-mile delivery service (deliveries within 24 to 48 hours). In 2020 alone, its 115 agencies handled 100 million parcels and carried out 5,000 rounds per day in more than 35 countries across Europe. Nathalie Mandjee, Business Intelligence Manager at GEODIS Distribution & Express, discovered that this part of the company was growing into a profit center for the larger business.

Announcing Katalon AI Visual Testing GA & TestOps July 2022 Release

Over the past few months, we have slowly rolled out and enhanced our AI Visual Testing solution during the trial period. This month we are proud to announce the general availability (GA) of Katalon AI Visual Testing that includes additional enhancements. The following reviews all the combined AI Visual Testing features in the GA.