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Scalable Python on BigQuery using Dask and NVIDIA GPUs

BigQuery is Google Cloud’s fully managed serverless data platform that supports querying using ANSI SQL. BigQuery also has a data lake storage engine that unifies SQL queries with other open source processing frameworks such as Apache Spark, Tensorflow, and Dask. BigQuery storage provides an API layer for OSS engines to process data. This API enables mixing and matching programming in languages like Python with structured SQL in the same data platform.

Medical apps need a unique healthcare software QA strategy

Across nearly every industry, the COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a period of immediate digital disruption. With lives at risk, the healthcare industry quickly innovated to provide fitness, wellness, and medical care on familiar devices. Now, two years after the pandemic’s start, medical apps face compounding pressures to match the speed and quality of consumer demands.

Getting Started with API Contract Testing

Learn what OpenAPI-driven contract testing is, how and when contract testing is performed and scaled for massive microservices programs, and how it can provide relief to development teams that have been overwhelmed by testing bottlenecks and increasing rates of code errors in production. The world runs on apps and platforms built from microservices – and microservices run on APIs.

10 Best Testlio Alternatives That You Should Try Out

Testlio is an automated testing tool that allows users to get a hierarchical view of the testing workflow. It also lets the testers move and copy the test results and do parameterized testing. And the no-code approach of this testing platform makes things a breeze for customers. However, with a lack of flexibility on rollover hours, it just might not meet your testing requirements. Here are some Testlio alternatives that bridge the gap.

How to use Flutter with Google Sheets, Apps Script, and Codemagic

Mark has been tracking his company expenses using Google Sheets for the past six months. Lately, it has been difficult to keep up with tracking expenses using the current method. He wants to ease the process for himself and his staff, but it’s necessary for him to use Google Sheets. What should he do? Mark decides to build an interface that can communicate with Google Sheets.

The Importance of Reviewing Medical Device Labels

Medical device companies who wish to sell their products in their respective countries must adhere to the regulations provided by the country’s regulatory bodies for labeling medical devices. Do you know? One-third of all medical errors are caused by poor labeling. Labeling and packaging issues are the leading causes of medication errors. Instructions on medical devices or labelling are things that should be understandable to the user who reads them without any medical knowledge.

How to Fix the FileNotFoundException in

The is a checked exception in Java that occurs when an attempt to open a file denoted by a specified pathname fails. This exception is thrown by the FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, and RandomAccessFile constructors when a file with the specified pathname either does not exist or is inaccessible.

Prioritize Claims Process Automation and Reap the Rewards

In their recent report on insurance services, ISG outlined the everlasting impact of COVID-19 on the insurance industry: “greater adoption of online and omnichannel distribution, cloud platform services, and analytics to cope with the crisis and to prepare for new ways of operating and serving customers.” With more emerging players entering the insurance market and insurers recognizing the need for providing a digital experience, consumer demands for a connected insurance experience have gr