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Build Success Using MVPs in Software Development

In the competitive software industry, many new products are purpose-built to provide value to end-users. Project viability depends not just on the accuracy of the product in meeting user requirements, but also on the time and resources spent in its development. Using fewer resources may enable faster development and allow the business to cash in on an identified opportunity faster. But exactly how do you get from concept to product fast, while staying true to design objectives?

What Is An API Product?

We’ve all heard the terms API product or API-as-a-product. The terms themselves seemed to be used quite freely, leaving some of us with an assumption of what is meant but without a really solid grasp. As joining and contributing to the API economy becomes more desirable, API products are a crucial part of any business that is looking to tap into it. So asking “what is an API product?” is a really relevant question with many different angles.

How to stop failing at data

Innovate or die. It’s one of the few universal rules of business, and it’s one of the main reasons we continue to invest so heavily in data. Only through data can we get the key insights we need to innovate faster, smarter, better and keep ahead of the market. And yet, the vast majority of data initiatives are doomed to fail. Nearly nine out of 10 data science projects never make it to production.

Accelerating IT to the Speed of Business

Businesses today adapt to change with breathtaking speed. Lines of business now follow their products out the door digitally and continue tracking usage throughout the lifecycle. This gives companies valuable insights into how customers use and interact with their products, enabling them to analyze and evolve solutions while nurturing customer relationships.

Why Replicating HBase Data Using Replication Manager is the Best Choice

In this article we discuss the various methods to replicate HBase data and explore why Replication Manager is the best choice for the job with the help of a use case. Cloudera Replication Manager is a key Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) service, designed to copy and migrate data between environments and infrastructures across hybrid clouds.

Deploy Your Ruby on Rails App Using Capistrano

In this article, we will configure Capistrano in a Ruby on Rails application. We will then deploy the app to a cloud instance that runs Ubuntu as an operating system, independent of your hosting provider. You can use any cloud service, or even an on-premises server, to test or replicate the steps we'll take. Once we've deployed the app, we'll look briefly at how you can monitor your app's deployments using AppSignal. But first, you might ask: why should I use Capistrano in the first place?

Top 27 Free Healthcare Datasets for Machine Learning

Machine Learning is revolutionizing the world of healthcare. ML models can help predict patient deterioration, optimize logistics, assist with real-time surgery and even determine drug dosage. As a result, medical personnel are able to work more efficiently, serve patients better and provide higher quality healthcare.